Release Version: 4.7.xx
Release Date: March 2022
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Release Version:
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Release Date: March 2022
Bug Fixes
Case # | Description |
SCHED-1384 | The Contract field now shows the visual indicator for the field being required as expected when creating an MC call for an inactive location. |
SCHED-1397 | The Problem Type lookup is now sorted alphabetically by the problem type name instead of by the Dex Row ID. |
SCHED-1398 | When accessing the Appointment Wizard from a scheduled service appointment, the service type and service call ID now auto-populate in the Appointment Wizard window. |
SCHED-1398 | The Appointment Wizard now auto-populates the service type and service call ID as expected when the wizard is initiated from an existing service appointment. |
SCHED-1399 | When accessing the Appointment Wizard from a scheduled job appointment, the job type and job number now auto-populate in the Appointment Wizard window. |
SCHED-1402 | Users can now create a new service call and will no longer receive an object reference error message. |
SCHED-1404 | The appointment status is now autopopulating the Complete status in the Appointment window after a user has right-clicked the appointment and selected the Complete status. If the appointment is in the past, the Completion Date is set to the current date/time and the Actual Hours are set to the Estimated Hours. If the appointment is in the future, the Status is set to Complete but the Completion Date and Actual Hours are blank. |
SCHED-1406 | The Completed Hours field is now updating as expected when the appointment status is changed. When the appointment status is set to Complete, the Completed Hours field is now correctly auto-populated to the value of the Estimated Hours. When the appointment status is updated from Completed to any other status, the Actual Hours are cleared. |
SCHED-1408, SCHED-1409 | A completed appointment cannot be unscheduled or unassigned. These options have been removed from the right-click context menu. |
SCHED-1410 | When an appointment status is set to the status defined as Unschedulable in Schedule Settings, the appointment is moved from the schedule board to the Unscheduled Appointments section. |
SCHED-1413, | An ERP user can only be associated with one Schedule user. Only active and unassociated users display in the ERP User drop-down when creating/editing Schedule users. ERP users who have been inactivated no longer display in the list. |
SCHED-1422 | We've fixed an issue for SQL Server 2014 users where the JSO_VALUE SQL function was preventing new service calls from being created from the Customer Hub. |
SCHED-1431 | Users can now clear the Resolution ID on the Service Call window by selecting the null row. |
SCHED-1435 | Dragging and dropping an appointment on the timezone offset time no longer causes the Estimated Hours value to round down by 1 minute. |
SCHED-1436 | When using the Appointment Wizard to create Technician Activities, the activities are now created as expected when the start and end dates fall on the same day. |
SCHED-1439 | Users will no longer receive an error message when attempting to add a note to a job from the Customer Hub. |
SCHED-1513 | We've updated contact information to use a different BOB endpoint. |