- Right-click on Signature Clock Administration xx-x-xx.exe and choose select Run as Administrator.
- In the Clock Administration Setup window, choose select Next.
- Accept the End-User License Agreement and then choose select Next.
- In the Select Installation Folder window, accept the default location or navigate to the install location, and then choose select Next.
- In the SQL Database window, enter the following fields:
- SQL Instance: Enter the server name (or choose select the ellipsis button to search for a server name).
System Database: Enter the system database name. This defaults to DYNAMICS.
Note If your database name is different, you will need to update the ClockAdmin.exe.config file in \Program Files (x86)\Signature\Clock\Clock Administration.
- Username: Displays the SQL user name.
- Password: Enter the SQL user name password.
- Choose Select Next.
- In the Companies and eTimeTrack User window, choose select the Company Database(s) and validate the eTimeTrack user by entering the Password.
- Choose Select Next.
- Choose Select Install.
- Choose Select Finish.
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- Access Administrative Tools.
- Double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Expand Sites.
- Expand Default Web Site.
- Choose Select ClockService and on the far-right pane, choose select Browse *:80 (http).
- In the browser window, choose select ClockService.svc.
- Choose Select ClockService.svc.
- The Service 1 Service page displays in your browser.
- If you do not see the Service1 Service page, verify that the following WCF Services are installed with .Net Framework. Install the features if not already installed. Open Server Manager > Click Manage > Choose Select Add Roles and Features and navigate to Features. Expand .NET Framework and then expand WCF Services.
- HTTP Activation
- Named Pipe Activation
- TCP Activation
- TCP Port Sharing