Excerpt |
Entity | Indicator |
Appointment Status | In the Map2BOB Status tab, in the Appointment Statuses tab, the Linked column displays the link icon to the left of the ERP Status and the BOB Status displays. |
Contact | In the Client Contacts window, if the BOB Contact is displayed to the right of the ERP Contact, the two Contact records are linked. |
Customer | In the Map2BOB Location tab, if the BOB Client is displayed to the right of the ERP Customer on the Map2BOB Location tab, the Customer and the BOB Client are linked. |
Equipment | In the Equipment Tracking window:
Location | In the Map2BOB Location tab:
Service Call Status | In the Map2BOB Status tab, in the Service Call Statuses tab, the Linked column displays the link icon to the left of the ERP Status and the BOB Status displays. |
Technician | In the Map2BOB Technician tab, if a Technician is not linked with a BOB Technician, the Linked column does not display the link icon to the left of the Technician ID. |