Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This process generates an equipment ID based on equipment numbering types. Equipment numbering types generate equipment IDs that contain various segments based on equipment category, model, type, division, and/or branch. See Setting up equipment numbering typesEquipment Numbering Types for more information on how equipment IDs are generated.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > Equipment > New Equipment Entry. You can also access this window using the New button from the Equipment Manager (Cards > Equipment > Equipment Manager).
  2. Fill in the Equipment CategoryModelEquipment TypeEquipment Branch, and Equipment Division for the new equipment.
  3. Use the lookup in the Equipment Numbering Type field to select the format that you want to use for the new equipment ID.
  4. Select Create. A message displays asking if you are sure you want to create the equipment record.
  5. Select Create. The system creates an equipment ID using the specified numbering scheme and characteristics of the new equipment. If the information needed to correctly number the equipment is not available, an error message displays. See Setting up equipment numbering typesEquipment Numbering Types.

Step 2: Complete the header information


The Attachments tab holds details of specifications for a piece of equipment. Attachments or subattachments can be listed with details of each. While these details can be created for an individual piece of equipment, you will save time and maintain the consistency of the information by creating a template for attachments and subattachments of each model rather than for each piece of equipment. See Setting up modelsModels. Once attachments and subattachments are added to a piece of equipment, they can be transferred or associated with an inventory item using the Transfer button.


  • Sales Price
    If equipment has a sales price entered on the Sales Financial 2 tab, this will be used on the sales document. If a kit item is used for selling, and there are attachments or subattachments that are inventory items with selling prices on the inventory records, these prices will be added to the sales price to determine the selling price for the kit.
  • Recommended Life
    Enter the recommended life.
  • Life U of M
    Enter the life U of M.
  • Usage
    Enter the usage.
  • % Left
    Enter the percentage of life left. This field is manually updated for each attachment and subattachment.
  • % Life Left
    This value is calculated based on the values entered in the Recommended Life and Usage fields.
  • Update from Equipment
    Mark this checkbox if you want the system to update the usage for the attachment or subattachment in accordance with updates to the operating log for the equipment record. This is useful because the % Life Left field then updates automatically based on usage. Updating from equipment is only possible if the (sub)attachment has the same life unit of measure as the equipment.
  • Transfer
    Once attachments and subattachments are added to equipment, they can be transferred or associated with an inventory item. Use this button to transfer attachments, which are serialized inventory items, between equipment and inventory stock, or between pieces of equipment. See Transferring attachments Attachments and subattachmentsSubattachments.

Photos tab

The Photos tab lists links to electronically stored documents that are related to the piece of equipment. To open a document on the list, select the item, and select the camera button.


The Optional Equipment tab lists extras or attributes that may or may not be physical parts of the equipment. Optional equipment is set up during the model setup. See Setting up modelsModels.
Mark the checkboxes for each optional equipment item you wish to include with this equipment record. These fields are informational only.


User information is defined for a specific model. See Setting up modelsModels to edit the user-defined fields that appear on this tab.


The Operating Log tab records the operating activity for a piece of equipment. Each line records a reading or an update to operational activity. You enter operating log information in the Operating Log Maintenance window, which you open by zooming on the Operating Log No. field. You can also open the Operating Log Maintenance window from the Transactions menu. See Entering operating log readingsOperating Log Readings.


When the sort order is reading date, the last reading represents the latest usage figure.


The Active Fields tab displays the active user-defined fields for the equipment record. See Setting up active user-defined fieldsActive User-Defined Fields.

Inventory tab

The Inventory tab shows the serialized inventory item number that is linked to this piece of equipment. Entering the purchasing inventory item number in the Equipment Model Maintenance window links an equipment model number and an inventory item number. Once this link is established, purchasing and receiving a piece of equipment automatically generates an equipment record, with the item number, serial number, and purchasing section on the Inventory tab completed. Selling a piece of equipment records sales details on the Inventory tab. The information on the left side of the Inventory tab is filled in automatically when receiving equipment against the purchase order, which generated the equipment record. If the equipment is sold, sales information is filled in on the right.


The Inventory Accounts tab lists the general ledger accounts to which values should be directed for all transactions involving this piece of equipment. 

The inventory item record to which the equipment is linked has a similar list of accounts. When posting transactions, the system uses the general ledger accounts set up on the Inventory Accounts tab first. If the tab is blank, the system looks for account information on the inventory item. If no accounts are specified on the item, the system uses the global system settings.


The Rental Inactivation tab is used to inactivate the equipment for rental, either indefinitely or over a specific period of time. Inactivating the equipment affects the Advanced Rental module only and has no effect on other equipment transactions.

Equipment that is inactive for rental can be placed on an agreement or booking; however, it cannot be placed on rent. If the equipment is already on rent when the inactivation period begins, the agreement can be processed to completion, but the On Rental date cannot be changed.


The Rental Financial tab displays rental income and rental costs.
The rental categories come from the cost categories set up with the cost group types of Rental Income and Rental Expenses. See Create cost groups. All amounts posted to the general ledger accounts associated with the cost categories appear. Each general ledger account should have been set up for account analysis. In addition to the cost categories, depreciation will be listed as a rental expense. Depreciation amounts are recorded if the equipment is an asset on the Fixed Asset Management module, and the asset has a depreciation book entered in the Equipment Setup window. You may also display service costs and income as separate lines in this window. These figures come from Service Management service calls, which are assigned to a linked piece of equipment.

Use the lookup in the Agreement No. field to select a rental agreement for this equipment.
The  The Contract TD (Contract To Date) column shows values relating to the rental agreement selected in the Agreement No. field. All other columns show rental income or expenses associated with this piece of equipment for the Current Period, current year (YTD), and for the life of the equipment (LTD).


The Sales Financial tab displays revenue and expenses relating to sales of the equipment. The sales categories come from the cost categories set up for cost groups with a type of Sales Income and Sales Expenses. See Create cost groups. All amounts posted to the general ledger accounts associated with the cost categories appear here. Each of these general ledger accounts should have been set up for account analysis. See Creating analysis cost groupsAnalysis Cost Groups.

Sales Financial 2 tab

The Sales Financial 2 tab displays information for salespeople. Costs relating to a piece of equipment are displayed. A salesperson can use the costs and a calculating facility to determine a selling price. The sales categories come from the cost categories set up for cost groups with the type of Sales Expenses. All amounts posted to the general ledger accounts associated with the cost categories appear here. See Create cost groups. Each of these general ledger accounts should have been set up for account analysis. See Creating analysis cost groupsAnalysis Cost Groups.

Costs can be entered for each category in the following columns:


The Total Financial tab displays a range of financial information about the piece of equipment. The categories listed on this tab come from the cost categories set up for the cost groups of the types Total Income and Total Expenses. The values are the amounts posted to the accounts defined for these cost categories. See Create cost groups. The The Total Financial tab can be used to display all costs and expenses, both capital and operating, associated with a piece of equipment to show overall return on investment.


The Transport tab is used to set up a pricing item, which determines pricing information on transport requests for this equipment record. The Pricing Item field on the Transport tab must be set up if the equipment is to be available for transport. The pricing item must belong to the inventory item class selected for transport pricing items, as set up in the Transport module. See Setting up the transport moduleTransport Module.

Service tab

The Service tab is used only when Equipment Management is used with Service Management. Establishing a link between this equipment record and an equipment record in Service Management allows you to create a service call before and after renting the equipment and update the status in Equipment Management when the equipment is used in Service Management. This tab displays the details of the corresponding equipment record in Service Management.


  • The Service Management equipment ID for this equipment was identified on the Service tab. See Service tab.
  • The service call includes a task involving this piece of equipment.


Global Information tab

The Global Info . tab contains information that will appear on all equipment records. The fields on this tab are defined in the Global Information Labels Setup window. (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Equipment > Equipment > Global Information Labels).


Equipment Management has three blank tabs to be defined by the user. Contact Key2Act WennSoft Sales for information.