Versions Compared


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Important upgrade information

Do not install a version of Woodford that is newer than 12.X.

Do not install a newer version of Woodford until you are instructed to do so by Key2ActWennSoft. Woodford is a third-party product and you must use a version of Woodford that is compatible with the version of MobileTech you are using.

When you launch Woodford, if the "New update is available" message displays, choose Later.

After you install and activate Woodford, we recommend that you set up Woodford so you are not prompted to install a newer version when it is released by Resco. In Woodford, choose Settings and unmark the Check for updates on startup check boxcheckbox.

Review the steps below carefully before you install the latest compatible version of Woodford.


Step 7: Deploy Any Updated SSRS Reports

If the MobileTech Readme indicates any SSRS Reports


have been updated, you will need to deploy


To deploy SSRS Reports:

To start the Signature SQL Reporting Wizard, navigate to your Microsoft Dynamics GP install directory, then open the Signature\SRS Reports folder and launch the file Signature.Dynamics.GP.BusinessIntelligence.SRSDeployment.exe.

You can also run this wizard from the following locations within Microsoft Dynamics GP:

  • From Service Management, choose Run Wizard in the Service Options window.
  • From Job Cost, choose Run Wizard in the Job Cost Setup Options window.
  • From Equipment Management, choose SRS Wizard in the System Setup window.


All SSRS report folders found in the Dynamics/Signature directory appear on the next wizard screen. Unmark the check box next to any folder, or expand a folder and unmark the check box next to any report, that you do not want to deploy. 

To use KPI reports and report templates, you must be running SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2 or later. Additionally, you must have SQL 2008 R2 Business Intelligence Studio installed to deploy the Signature Template Pivot report template.


these reports. See the Signature Reports Guide for information on deploying a report.