You can easily view and change the details of a job appointment, also called a job activity.
Double-click the job appointment to view or change the appointment. This can be a scheduled appointment or an unassigned appointment.
- The Job Appointment Details window displays. You can view information about the location of the appointment.
- In the Job Details area, you can view and change additional information in most of the fields. Additional fields may display depending on Schedule settings.
- Customer Name
- Location Name - Billing address
- Job - Display only
- Appointment - Display only
- Description
- Cost Code
- Status
- Resource
- Start Date
- Estimated Hours
- Priority
- Completion Date - Can be edited if the appointment status is set to completed.
- Actual Hours
- You can also choose these buttons to complete other tasks.
- - Appointment history
- - Add a Note. See
Info If a note exists for this appointment, this icon displays as
. - - Related appointments
- Choose Save.
Context-sensitive options for job appointments
Right-click on a service appointment on the schedule board to access the following options:
- Arrived
- Closed
- Complete - See Completing appointments.
- Dispatched
- In Route
- Open
- Paged
- Re-assigned
- Received
- Unassigned
- .