The Job Panel displays a list of the available jobs. You can quickly view high-level details about the job. You can minimize the Job Panel by clicking the arrow in the panel title bar. The Job Panel can be enabled globally in Settings for all companies or users can override the global Job Panel setting in User Settings.
On the Job Panel, a context menu is available by right-clicking on a specific job that lets you:
View more details about the job, customer, or location.
Open the Appointment Wizard.
Create a new job appointment.
Print a Job Schedule by Cost Code report.
Using the Job Panel
The Job Panel displays the following information for each job:
Job Number
Job Description
Customer Name
Location Name
Project Manager
Contract Type
Job Start Date
Job End Date
Searching for a Job
Use the Search field at the top of the Job Panel to search for a specific active job. You can search by job number, job description, customer name, location name, division, project manager, or contract type.
Using the Context Menu
Right-click on a job in the panel to view the context menu.
The following options are available:
View Job Details
Opens the Job Details window. This displays details about the job including job number, description, project number, division, estimator, project manager, customer, job address, bill to customer, contract number, contract type, % complete, estimated hours, actual hours, user-defined 1, inactive status, certified payroll status, cost codes, and subcontractors.New Appointment
Opens the New Job Appointment window with the current Job Number, Customer Name, and Location Name defaulting in the window. SeeAppointment Wizard
Opens the Appointment Wizard with the Appointment Type defaulting to Job and Job Number defaulting to the current job. See Using the Appointment Wizard.Note You can also access the Appointment Wizard by double-clicking on a job in the Job Panel.
View Customer Details
Opens the Customer Hub with the mouse focus on the current customer.View Location Details
Opens the Customer Hub with the mouse focus on the current customer location.Print Job Schedule
Displays a report that displays the schedule for the current job. See Printing the Job Schedule by Cost Code