Versions Compared


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If you are using Resco Inspections, you have the option to use the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) inspection from the service and/or job appointment completion form. The inspection is tailored to ask specific questions about the site, to allow the Technician to identify hazards, and to document the steps they will take to remove risk. When the inspection is completed, a Job Safety Analysis report is generated as a PDF file and is attached to the service call on the device. When synced to Signature, the JSA is attached to the service call (for service appointments) or the job's cost code (for job appointments). To have the report automatically emailed to the technician, you will need to Set up Report and Email Options for Job Safety Audit option, selecting Service, Job Cost, or All.


In addition to the Mobile Admin JSA Setup Options (see Job Safety Tasks), you will need to enable Job Safety Analysis from the Resco Cloud Dashboard. You will also need to complete the steps in Enable Resco Inspections (optional). To review the steps for completing a Job Safety Analysis on a device, please go to Complete a Job Safety Analysis Inspection in MobileTech Help.

To enable the Job Safety Analysis form and report, you will need to complete the following steps:


  1. In MobileTech Administration, go to Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard.
  2. On the Reports tile, select Open Reports.
  3. Select Import.
  4. The window opens to the previous location (Program Files (x86)/Signature/MobileTech/Admin/Inspections/Job Safety Analysis).
  5. Select Job Safety Analysis.xml.
  6. Select Open.
  7. In the Import New Mobile Report window, enter the Name of the report: Job Safety Analysis


    This report name must match the report filename.

  8. Select OK.
  9. Select the Job Safety Analysis report.
  10. Select Activate.



the Job Safety Analysis


Inspection in Questionnaire Designer

  1. From the top left navigation, click the back arrow to exit Report Designer.
  2. From the Questionnaire Designer tabtile, select Open Questionnaire Designer.
  3. From the menu bar, select Import.
  4. Navigate to the Program Files (x86)/Signature/MobileTech/Admin/Inspections/Job Safety Analysis folder.
  5. Select Job Safety Analysis.qbuilder.
  6. Select Open.
  7. In the Questionnaires List window, select Job Safety Analysis.
  8. From the menu bar, select Edit.
  9. From the Commands section on the menu bar, select Edit.
  10. In the Command Dialog window, select the ellipsis icon to the right of Complete with a report.
  11. In the Select Report window, select Job Safety Analysis.
  12. Click Select.
  13. Select Save & Close in the Command Dialog window.
  14. Select Save & Close.
  15. In the Questionnaires List window, select Job Safety Analysis.
  16. From the menu bar, select Activate.


If you are using Job Safety Analysis, each device will need to have Use Legacy JSA set to False in MobileTech Settings. If this step is not performed, the JSA Tasks icon displays on the appointment completion form. 


This device settings option only displays if the user has the Inspector role assigned in MobileTech Admin.

  1. On the device, select Settings Setup.
  2. Select MobileTech.
  3. Select Job Safety Analysis.
  4. Set Use Legacy JSA to False.
  5. Select Save
