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New Features


Also included are the job's cost code information including: the cost codes and descriptions, status, start and completion dates, estimated hours, actual hours, estimated remaining hours, scheduled appointment hours, unposted TimeTrack hours, remaining less scheduled hours. Each job's total hours are displayed beneath the job. The end-of-report footer includes hour totals for all jobs included in the report. Scheduled Hours are a sum of the hours found in open appointments for the schedule range (6 weeks from the Schedule Start date parameter) included on the report. Unposted TT Hours are the sum of hours from these tables: Uncommitted (WS10702) and Committed / Not Posted (JC10701). SCHED-618

You will need to add the path into the WSRepts table for this report (Job Schedule By Cost Code). http://<report server>/<database>/<company>/Signature Job Cost/Job Cost Code Schedule


Added the ability for users to double-click an appointment on the Customer Hub to open an appointment on the Schedule Board. SCHED-250


  • An empty cell on the Schedule Board. SCHED-242
  • A service call on the Service Call tab from the Customer Hub. SCHED-251
  • Any appointment or resource and choosing Appointment Wizard. (existing functionality)


  • A service call from the Service Call tab in the Customer Hub. SCHED-251
  • Any appointment in the Unscheduled Appointments section of the Schedule Board. (existing functionality)
  • Any appointment on the Schedule Board. (existing functionality)
  • An appointment on the Open Appointment tab from the Customer Hub. (existing functionality)


The Timestamp window displays a red background if the actual timestamp on a Service Level Agreement (SLA) item is later than the guaranteed time. SCHED-365


Image Removed


We've added the option to show/hide the horizontal scrollbar when viewing the Schedule in the Timeline view. This option has been added to the Global Options section in Settings. This option defaults to not marked so that the horizontal scrollbar is not displayed. SCHED-518


  • Appointment Wizard or New Resource Activity when accessed from right-clicking on a Resource.
  • New Service Appointment or New Job Appointment windows by right-clicking on an existing appointment on the Schedule Board or in the Customer Hub and selecting New Appointment from the context menu. SCHED-572


Bug Fixes

  • When viewing Map and Route Resources, the route window now displays the horizontal scrollbar when the routes listed exceed the window height. SCHED-257
  • Users' role permissions are now respected between multiple companies. SCHED-440
  • The date search in the Unscheduled Appointments section of the Schedule Board now returns the results as expected. SCHED-441
  • When dragging appointments to the Schedule Board from the Unscheduled Appointments section, appointments no longer display as UNDEFINED. SCHED-635
  • The Address ID field is now required to display on Service Calls. Users were experiencing problems when the Address ID field was turned off in General Settings under Service Call fields. SCHED-636
  • The PO Number column is now displaying in the Customer Hub and in the Customer Hub Column Chooser. SCHED-674
  • The End Route has been updated to display the Start Time as the previous appointment's End Time. The End Time for the End Route is calculated to include the Drive Time. (Start Time + Drive Time.) SCHED-746
  • When a service call is created for a future date, the service call ID now correctly includes the call creation date. SMS-334


