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Release Version: 4.5.18

Release Date: August 2020


Case #Description


For users on a version prior to Signature 2018 R3, SEE registration key issues have been resolved and users are able to now use the XOi Deep Linking feature with MobileTech 8.0.
SCHED-1084We've added a lookup icon for the Contract field in the Service Call window so that users can select the appropriate contract. The contract lookup will show all open and expired contracts.  Expired contracts will have their start and expiration dates displayed using red text, to visually signify the contract is expired.  It is still usable, when creating a new service call, as Schedule follows the same selection process as Service Management. 
SCHED-1096Resource coordinates are now updated when the resource locations changes either through the appointment status update or the GPS integration.


After the initial load of Schedule, subsequent updates to the resource’s GPS location will occur when the Schedule refresh button is manually selected, the map is opened, the map is manually refreshed, and/or when an auto-refresh occurs.

When creating


a new service call


that includes an equipment ID, the <DEFAULT> task’s status will be properly set to the value defined in the Service Options


setup window.

Files included

  • Schedule 4.5.18.exe
  • wsiSMSServiceCall.sql

Instructions for Installation

Complete the following steps in the order displayed:

  1. Install the Schedule 4.5.18.exe. See Schedule Installation and Upgrade Guide for additional information.
  2. Apply the SQL script file above to the System Database (for example, DYNAMICS). We recommend that you make a backup of the system database prior to applying the script so that you can restore the backup if needed. 
  3. After launching Schedule, do a Ctrl+F5 to repopulate the browser cache.