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AdminEmailAddressThe administrative email account where log files and error logs are sent.
HistoryCountThe number of historical equipment and service records to display on the client device when the technician requests service history. The default value is 3.
IncludeMCCWithHistoryDetermines whether maintenance computer-generated calls (MCC) are included when service and equipment history is requested. The default value is True.
CurrencyDecimalPlacesThe number of decimal places that are used to process currency amounts on the device. This value comes from Microsoft Dynamics GP and cannot be changed.

Determines whether technicians can create a service call for any customer in the system. The default value is False. The following settings for global filtering and creating a call for any customer determine permissions for technicians. For more information about global filtering, see "Using global filters" in the Service Management manual. 

  • We recommend leaving CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer set to False. With MobileTech 7.0, we now synchronize all location contacts for any locations on the device. If this setting is set to True, all location contacts will be syncing for all locations and may result in a large amount of data. Additionally, the introduction of the SERVER MODE allows users to see all permissible customers and locations in the middle-tier while improving overall sync times significantly. (SERVER MODE is set at UseServerMode in Mobile Device Global Settings.


Global filtering is set up in Service Management. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Module Setup > Service Options. In the Service Options window, mark Use Global Record Identification Filters.

  • Global filtering is marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = True -Technicians can create calls for any customers and locations in their assigned branches (home and away), and for any exception-branch customers and locations that are assigned to calls and appointments.
  • Global filtering is marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = False -Technicians can create calls only for customers and locations that are assigned to their calls and appointments.
  • Global filtering is not marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = True -Technicians can create calls for any customers and locations in the system.
  • Global filtering is not marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = False -Technicians can create calls only for customers and locations that are assigned to their calls and appointments.



The default status for appointments that are received by the device. The default value is blank, which means no status is assigned to the appointmentsIf a status is selected for both this setting and JobSafetyStartStatus in [ Job Safety Tasks, we recommend that you do not use the same status for both. 


AutoStatusUpdate and TimeLogStatusUpdate in Time Log Settings cannot have the same value.

DefaultWeekdayThe default week-ending day for time entries, which is based on the TimeTrack settings in the Microsoft Dynamics GP database. This value cannot be changed.
UseAdditionalWorkDetermines whether technicians can enter additional work on a service call. The default value is True.If False, technicians cannot enter new additional work in the Additional Work pane.
UseBarcodingDetermines whether the organization uses barcoding functionality in MobileTech. If True, barcoding is used.If False, barcoding is not used. The default value is False.


Determines whether technicians can utilize SERVER MODE with all Offline HTML pages. Server Mode allows users to access customer, location, and equipment data via the Middle Tier database (utilizing mobile data). If False, users will only access customer data on their devices, not from the Middle Tier. The default value is True.
UseServiceCallUserDefine2Indicates whether the Service Call User Defined 2 field is a validated lookup, based on the Service Management settings in Microsoft Dynamics GP. This value cannot be changed.
UseWorkCrewJobCostDetermines whether technicians can enter billed labor, travel, and expense transactions for a Job Cost work crew that includes any Microsoft Dynamics GP user who has valid hourly or business expense type pay codes. The default value is True.
UseWorkCrewServiceDetermines whether technicians can enter labor, travel, or expense transactions for service work crews or individual work crew members when a service appointment is completed. The default value is False.
UseTechnicianHelperDetermines whether technicians can enter labor and expense transactions for another technician. The default value is False. If True, technicians also can change the technician on the transaction.

Determines whether technicians can enter and review change orders that affect job costs. The default value is True.


Determines whether technicians can edit customer notes. The default value is True.


Determines whether technicians can edit location notes. The default value is True.


Determines whether technicians can edit equipment notes. The default value is True.

ServiceCallNotesReadOnlyDetermines whether technicians can edit service call notes. The default value is True.

Determines whether technicians can edit appointment notes. The default value is True.


Determines whether technicians can edit contract notes. The default value is True.

DefaultNewNotesAsInternalDetermines whether the default setting for new notes that are created by technicians is Internal, which means the notes are not displayed on the Call Summary report. The default value is False. Technicians can change this setting per note when they create notes.
UseAppointmentNotesSummaryDetermines whether note links are displayed at the bottom of the Appointment pane when technicians view the details for a service call appointment. If True, the links are displayed, so technicians can easily view the notes from one location. The default value is False.
UseEventBasedSyncDetermines whether event-based syncing is used on all devices. If True, event-based syncing is used to sync to the host system after a service call is created, an appointment is created or completed, a timesheet report is requested, or a payment has been applied to a field invoice. If False, event-based syncing is not used. The default value is True.If Sync Login is marked on the Setup page on the device, the Sync page will be displayed and the user must choose Sync. For more information, see "Event-based syncing" in the MobileTech Help.


Used to control the ability to auto-upload mobileaudit records to the host. This is used with Woodford's Auditing feature to track technician GPS coordinates based on creating or updating specific entities such as Appointment, TimeLog, or TimeEntry.  The default value is False. See Enable Mobile Auditing for setting up Woodford's Auditing feature.
OnSiteStatusUpdateUsed when UseMobileAuditBackgroundSync=True to determine what status will be used to automatically send the technician's GPS coordinates to the host.  No synchronization is required, but an internet connection must be available.

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Time Log Settings



Determines if the XOi API is enabled. The default value is False.


Determines if XOi Workflow is enabled. The default value is False.

XOEyeClient ID

Defaults to MobileTech. Display only.


Defaults to the XOi login URL. Display only.


Defaults to the XOi Vision endpoint. Display only.


Enter your XOi Partner ID that has been provided to you from XOi.

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