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The optional Advanced Document Management module allows users to attach files of various formats including four-character file extensions (e.g., .DOC, .BMP, .XLS, .TIF, .WAV) to Service Management and Job Cost records. In addition, you can link to Microsoft Office SharePoint documents. Users do this by copying and pasting the link to a SharePoint document within the attachment. Attachments can be saved with the record and viewed using the attached image icon. If a record does not have documents attached, the icon displays a paperclip. When documents are attached, the icon displays a paperclip attached to a piece of paper. For purchasing information, contact Key2Act WennSoft Sales.

Table of Contents


Setting up the Advanced Document Management module involves creating an attachments folder and mapping the attachments folder to the server.

Create an Attachments Folder

Complete the following steps to create a folder to hold your attachments.


  1. Create a \docs folder under the \Microsoft Dynamics GP folder on the shared server. The attachments folder must be created on the shared server so everyone can access the attachments.
  2. Create the following folders under \docs:

    Service ManagementJob Cost
    • \customer
    • \location
    • \equip
    • \contract
    • \calls
    • \subloc
    • \equtype
    • \model
    • \quote
    • \appointments
    • \job
    • \project
    • \changeOd
    • \subctr
    • \costcode
    • \forecast
    • \appointments

Map the Attachments Folder to the Server

Add the following line to the DEX.INI file on each client workstation:
WS_DocRoot=H:\GP\docs (must end in backslash)

  • where H is a shared mapped drive
  • where GP is the name of the Microsoft Dynamics GP folder on the shared SQL server
  • where docs is a folder in the Microsoft Dynamics GP folder

Map the Temporary Folder Location

You must specify a temporary folder to be used when viewing attachments that were copied to the database.


  • where C is the local drive
  • where temp is the name of the folder that will hold the attachments

Update the Next Document Number (Optional)

If you have multiple companies that are using document attachments, the "Copy File" method saves attachments for all companies to the same shared location. You will receive an error when saving an attachment if the next document number that defaults has already been used by another company.
