When you're on a service call, you can record any information that might require additional billable work in the future. Whether you can enter additional work depends on the MobileTech setup. You can also attach photos and or files.
- Choose Additional Work, and then choose the New icon.
Enter information in these fields, as necessary.
*Service Call
Select the service call that you're working on.
If only one appointment is associated with the service call, that is the default appointment. Otherwise, you can select the appointment that you're working on.
Transaction Date
The system date is displayed. You can select a different transaction date.
Enter a description of the additional work.
Contact Name
Enter the name of the customer to contact about the additional work opportunity.
Contact Phone
Enter the phone number of the customer to contact about the additional work opportunity.
The caller name and phone information are not tied to Contacts in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Est. Labor Hrs.
Enter the estimated labor cost that is anticipated for the additional work.
Est. Material
Enter the estimated material cost that is anticipated for the additional work.
Est. Equipment
Enter the estimated equipment cost that is anticipated for the additional work.
Est. Subcontrctr
Enter the estimated subcontractor cost that is anticipated for the additional work.
Est. Other
Enter the estimated other costs that are anticipated for the additional work.
*Required field
- To add an attachment to the additional work, choose Attachments and then choose the New icon.
- Choose the More icon and then choose to Capture a picture, Select a picture, or Select a file.
- Choose the Save icon.