With Signature 18.04b06 or higher, new service calls cannot be created for inactive service locations from the New Service Call window and from the BOB dashboard in MobileTech. If you want your technicians to be able to create new service calls for inactive locations, you will need to comment out the fetch filter in offline HTML from the new call form.
To enable service call creation for inactive locations:
- In MobileTech Administration, go to Tools > Launch Woodford.
- Open the MobileTech project.
- In the left navigation under Components, select Offline HTML.
- Double-click entity.
- Double-click servicecall.
- Select servicecall-form_new.html.
- From the menu bar, select Edit.
- In the Edit window, scroll down to // ----- LOCATION -----.
Add the comment out slashes // to the front of the following line:
entity.addFilter().where(SCHEMA.location.Properties.isinactive, 'eq', 'false')
- Select Save in the Edit window.
- Select Save.
- Publish the project
- Sync the devices.