Signature System Requirements
To find a complete list of system requirements across all the Signature modules, refer to the Signature System Requirements document found on the Product Download page on Signature Resources.
Signature Version Compatibility
- Signature 18.03b05
- Signature 2018 R3
- Signature 2016 R3 SP2
- MobileTech 8.0 or higher for XOi Deep Linking
- Building Optimization Broker 1.30
- Signature Agent for BOB 1.0
- Map2BOB 1.0
Obtain a Mapping API Key
If you will be using the Mapping feature, you will also need to obtain a Google or Bing Mapping API key:
- Google Maps: You will need the Maps JavaScript API (Maps > Dynamic Maps) and Geocoding (Places tab).
- Bing Maps: