Use the Job Revenue Code Revision Entry window to revise the percent complete for the selected revenue code. This window displays all previously-posted revenue code revision entries for the job.
To revise a revenue performance objective:
- Go to Inquiry > Job Status > Revenue Code Status button > Job Revenue Code Status > Add Revision.
- In the Job Revenue Revision Entry window, complete the following fields:
- DateEnter the posting date.
- Revenue CodeChoose the revenue code the revision is being made for.
- Percentage RevisionEnter the new percentage. The last posted revision for the revision code becomes the current percentage complete.
Note: For Point in Time revenue codes, revenue is not recognized until it is entered as 100% complete. At that point it will be included in the month's revenue entry. If 100% is posted in error, you can enter another lower percentage revision so the revenue code is not included in the month's revenue entry.
- Description Enter a reason for the revision.
- Choose Post.