Signature Compatibility
- Signature 2016 R3 SP1
- Signature 2018 R2
- Signature 2018 R3
- Signature 2018 R4
This guide includes descriptions of new features in Journyx and Journyx PX Mobile version 12.3.0 and is intended for existing Journyx customers who are upgrading from Journyx 12. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, you will also need the guides for earlier versions.
If you have additional questions about a feature, please contact your account representative or email Journyx Support.
Best Practices
For optimal synchronization performance, it is recommended to not run any unnecessary background processes during the scheduled sync time that could impact available system resources.
If you customize the column label for the "Activity" column, you will also need to update the Project Hierarchical Entry field (Settings > System Settings > Entry Sheets (Global Settings)) and the Time Entry Grid label (Settings > System Settings > Custom Entry Screens > Time Entry Screens > Standard Time Entry Grid) with the exact custom name.
Journyx Mobile 12.3 Changelist
New Features
MOBILE-65 STORY: Enter time/expenses quickly using recent/previous entries
MOBILE-145 STORY: Punch in/out in mobile when using an allocation punch screen
MOBILE-147 STORY: Add/manage entry notes in mobile
MOBILE-149 STORY: Menu for navigating Favorites, Recents and Project list
MOBILE-153 STORY: Pressing Enter/Go on password field automatically starts login
MOBILE-159 STORY: Leave/holiday time loads as saved entry when view period
MOBILE-165 STORY: Show app version details in Profile
Bug Fixes
MOBILE-169 BUG: DVT save warnings don't show save confirmation when complete
MOBILE-170 BUG: [iOS] Crash if enter amount for new entry before selecting values
MOBILE-171 BUG: [Android] Expense/custom users without time can't login
MOBILE-173 BUG: Date picker features disabling create fields when you switch types
MOBILE-176 BUG: Invalid memorized entries appear in Favorites and cause errors
MOBILE-189 BUG: [iOS] Fixes for handling entry for non-weekly periods
MOBILE-191 BUG: [iOS] Keyboard obscures comment after using Project picker
MOBILE-196 BUG: [Android] Crash after user locks the screen on Select Project entry
MOBILE-217 BUG: [iOS] Crash in certain circumstances when entry fields hidden
MOBILE-221 BUG: [iOS] Attachments are not loaded on view details screen
MOBILE-227 BUG: [Android] Editing large amounts on expense/custom not working
MOBILE-219 BUG: [Android] Crashes/issues when Project field not first/hidden