Working with Profitability Setup Reports

Working with Profitability Setup Reports

Creating the Profitability Setup Report Options

Profitability setup reports are available to list the analysis group and code list, cost codes, and profitability maintenance details. You create report options before printing reports.

  1. Select Reports > Equipment > Profitability Setup.
  2. Select the type of Report:
    • Analysis Group and Code List
      This list shows analysis groups and cost codes.
    • Cost Code List
      This list shows manually created cost codes and is relevant to maintenance work order cost codes only.
    • Cost Maintenance List
      This list details the elements set up in the Profitability Maintenance window: analysis groups, categories, accounts, and analysis codes.
  3. Select New to open the Profitability Setup Reports Options window where you can create an option.
  4. Select a print destination.
  5. Select Save to save the report option.

Printing the Profitability Setup Report

If you have created report options, you can print them from the Profitability Setup Reports window.

  1. Select Reports > Equipment > Profitability Setup.
  2. Select the report from the Reports drop-down list.
  3. Select the report option and select Insert >>.
  4. Select Print.