Use Woodford to modifying entities
Use Woodford to modifying entities
Avoid making these changes with Woodford
This information is intended to provide insight into areas that cannot be modified by using Woodford. It also includes recommendations about which entities you should not change.
Tabs that you cannot modify
You cannot use Woodford to modify the Resolution tab and the Summary tab for appointments in MobileTech.
Entities that you should not change sync filters for
To help make sure that all records sync accurately, we recommend that you do not change sync filters for the following entities. Changing these filters could result in unexpected behavior and sync issues:
- Appointments
- Appointment status time stamps
- Change orders and change order details
- Consumed inventory
- Contracts
- Customers
- Equipment and contract equipment
- Locations, sublocations, and location contacts
- Jobs and job cost codes
- Job safety tasks
- Meter readings
- Purchase orders and purchase order details
- Purchase order receipts and purchase order receipt details
- Refrigerant tracking
- Service calls
- Tasks and subtasks
- Time logs