Assigning Contacts to Locations

Assigning Contacts to Locations

You can assign existing agency and local contacts to a customer location.  Agency contacts are contacts that are common to multiple locations (e.g., fire and police department). Local contacts are contacts specific to one location.

Mass Assigning or Unassigning Contacts to a location

In the Contact Setup window, you can use the Mass Assign button to assign or unassign the current contact to one or more locations. You can also assign the contact to one or more contracts. 

To mass assign to locations:

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Contact Management
  2. In the Service Contact Management window, search to find the existing contact. 
  3. Double-click the contact name in the results list or right-click and select View Contact to open the Contact Setup window.
  4. In the Contact Setup window, select Mass Assign.
  5. In the Mass Assign Contacts window, select Locations from the Assign to drop-down.
  6. Use the Customer and Location filters as needed to narrow the display results and then select Redisplay.
  7. The scrolling window displays the customer locations/contracts. If a location/contract already is marked, the contact is already assigned to that location/contract.
  8. Use the Mark All/Unmark All buttons in the menu bar or individually mark/unmark the Assigned checkboxes.
  9. Select Process to assign the contact to the marked locations or contracts or to unassign the contact if you've removed the checkmark.

Assigning an agency contact to a location

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and zoom on the Location Address ID field.
  3. Choose Contacts.
  4. Choose Attach Agency.
  5. In the Agency Contact window, enter filter criteria in the Postal Code and/or Role Type fields. The postal code defaults from the Location window.
  6. Select an agency contact and then click Select or double-click an agency contact in the scrolling window to attach it to the location. To detach an agency contact from a location, double-click the contact in the Location Contacts scrolling window. Choose the Detach button in the Contact Agency View window. See Creating a Contact for instructions on creating agency contacts.

Assigning a local contact to a location

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and zoom on the Location Address ID field. The Location window opens.
  3. Choose the Contacts button. The Location Contacts window opens.
  4. Choose Add Local. The Service Contact Management window opens with the customer ID defaulting into the Customer filter field. You can enter additional filter criteria if needed to narrow the displayed contacts.
  5. If the local contact does not exist in the system, select the New Contact window. See Creating a Contact.
  6. Otherwise, right-click on the contact name that displays in the scrolling window and select Add Contact or double-click the contact name.
  7. The Service Contact Management window closes and the contact is added to the Location Contacts window. 

Detaching an agency or local contact from a location

When unassigning a contact from a location, if the contact is also assigned to the location, you have the option to also remove the contact from the location contract(s).

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and zoom on the Location Address ID field. The Location window opens.
  3. Choose the Contacts button. The Location Contacts window opens.
  4. Select a contact and then click Detach from the menu bar.
  5. Select Detach to confirm that you want to remove the contact. 

  6. If the location contact is also assigned to location contracts, you will be asked if you want to remove the contact from any associated location contracts. 
    1. Choose Detach to remove the contract contact.
    2. Choose Cancel to only remove the contact from the location.

Adding telephone numbers to a contact from a location

You can add more than one telephone number to a contact.

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and zoom on the Location Address ID field. The Location window opens.
  3. Choose the Contacts button. The Location Contacts window opens.
  4. Right-click an existing contact and select View Phone Numbers
  5. In the Contact Phone Numbers window, enter Number
  6. Choose the Type.
  7. If the new number is the Primary phone number, mark the Primary Number checkbox. 
  8. Enter any additional phone numbers.
  9. Choose OK.