Applying Credit Memos to Project Invoices

Applying Credit Memos to Project Invoices

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Apply Sales Documents window is used to apply credit memos and payments to invoices.  To assist you with locating unpaid project invoices that were included in the job referenced by the credit memo, we've added an Additional window called Signature Credit Apply.

Applying the Credit Memo to the Document Amount

  1. To access the Apply Sales Documents window, go to Transactions > Sales > Apply Sales Documents
  2. Enter the Customer ID used as the Bill to Customer for the project invoices or use the Customer ID lookup to select the appropriate customer.
  3. In the Type field, select Credit Memo
  4. Select the Document Number you wish to apply as a credit memo using the lookup provided. When using the lookup, a list of Open (unapplied) Cash Documents display.
  5. Select the project invoice to open the Signature Credit Apply window.
  6. In the Signature Credit Apply window, only the matching job numbers associated with the credit memo and the select project invoice display. 
  7. Mark the checkbox(es) for the job numbers that the credit memo should be applied to. The maximum amount that can be applied is dependent on the Document Amount displayed for that job. For example, the credit memo amount is $1000. The Document Amount for a job is $500. $500 would be applied to the job and the Unapplied Amount shows the remaining $500 Unapplied Amount.
  8. Select OK to apply the credit memo amount to the selected job number(s) and to close the Signature Credit Apply window. 

  9. On the Apply Sales Document window, the Unapplied Amount displays any remaining credit memo amount. (As in the example above, $500 is displays in the Unapplied Amount.)
  10. You can repeat the process to continue applying the credit memo to additional project invoices.

Applying a Specified Credit Memo Amount to a Project Invoice

In addition to the steps in the preceding section, you also have the option to apply a specific amount of the credit memo to a project invoice.

  1. To access the Apply Sales Documents window, go to Transactions > Sales > Apply Sales Documents
  2. Enter the Customer ID used as the Bill to Customer for the project invoices or use the Customer ID lookup to select the appropriate customer.
  3. In the Type field, selct Credit Memo
  4. Select the Document Number you wish to apply as payment using the lookup provided. When using the lookup, a list of Open (unapplied) Cash Documents display.
  5. To the far right of the project invoice, enter the specific Apply Amount.
  6. Mark checkbox to the left of the project invoice to open the Signature Credit Apply window.
  7. In the Signature Credit Apply window, only the matching job numbers associated with the credit memo and the select project invoice display. 
  8. Mark the checkbox(es) for the job numbers that the credit memo should be applied to. The maximum amount that can be applied is dependent both the Unapplied Amount entered in the previous window and the Document Amount for the job. For example, if you entered $100 in the project invoice Apply Amount field in the previous window, the Unapplied Amount available to apply is $100. The Document Amount for a job is $100, the Applied Amount for the job would display $100 and the Unapplied Amount shows $0.00. The CM Unapplied Amount would show the total Credit Memo unapplied amount remaining. If the total Credit Memo was $1000, and you've applied $100, the CM Unapplied Amount displays $900 remaining unapplied.
  9. Select OK to apply the credit memo amount to the selected job number(s) and to close the Signature Credit Apply window. 

  10. On the Apply Sales Document window, the Unapplied Amount displays any remaining unapplied credit memo amount. (As in the example above, $900 is displays in the Unapplied Amount.)
  11. You can repeat the process to continue applying the credit memo to additional project invoices. 

To apply a credit memo to a project invoice:

  1. To access the Apply Sales Documents window, go to Transactions > Sales > Apply Sales Documents
  2. Enter the Customer ID used as the Bill to Customer for the project invoices or use the Customer ID lookup to select the appropriate customer.
  3. In the Type field, selct Credit Memo
  4. Select the Document Number you wish to apply as payment using the lookup provided. When using the lookup, a list of Open (unapplied) Cash Documents display.
  5. You can either:
    • Apply a specific dollar amount to a project invoice by entering the amount in the Apply Amount field to the far right of the project invoice and then mark the project invoice checkbox to open the Signature Credit Apply window.
    • Apply the full amount of the credit memo by marking the checkbox to the left of the project invoice to open the Signature Credit Apply window.
  6. In the Signature Credit Apply window, only the matching job numbers associated with the credit memo and the select project invoice display. 
  7. Mark the checkbox(es) for the job numbers that the credit memo should be applied to. The maximum amount that can be applied is dependent on both the Unapplied Amount entered in the previous window (if entered) and the Document Amount for the job.
  8. Select OK to apply the credit memo amount to the selected job number(s) and to close the Signature Credit Apply window. 

  9. On the Apply Sales Document window, the Unapplied Amount displays any remaining unapplied credit memo amount. 
  10. You can repeat the process to continue applying the credit memo to additional project invoices.