Install MobileTech Client

Install MobileTech Client

Use these instructions to install MobileTech Client. For information about how to use MobileTech Client after it is installed, see the Help in MobileTech.

  1. Double-click the install file. For example, for Windows devices, this is Signature MobileTech Client.exe. See the Readme for the version of MobileTech Client to install.
  2. On the Welcome to the Signature MobileTech Client Setup Wizard page, choose Next.
  3. On the End-User License Agreement page, read and accept the license agreement, and then choose Next. The Select Installation Folder page is displayed.
  4. Choose Browse to select the location where MobileTech Client should be installed, or accept the default location.
  5. Choose Next. The Ready to Install page is displayed.
  6. Choose Install to start the installation. The Installing Signature MobileTech Client page will display the progress of the installation.
  7. When the installation is complete, the Completing the Signature MobileTech Client Setup Wizard page is displayed. Choose Finish.