Release Versions:
- AccountLinkClock (2.12.8210.23542) release for:
- Clock Mobile 12.5 (no change)
- Clock Web Client 12.5 (no change)
Release Date: July 2022
This readme includes a change list for AccountLinkClock.
If you have additional questions about a feature, please contact WennSoft Support.
Signature 2018 R3 (18.00b03g310) Clock is supported on modern versions of Edge, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. (Clock is not supported on Internet Explorer as Microsoft no longer updates Internet Explorer.) If you are using Signature 18.04b06 or higher, you will need to install/upgrade to eTimeTrack Web Service 2018 R6 (18.04b06).Signature
eTimeTrack Web Service
Transfer Layer Security (TLS)
Client Protocol
This release corrects an AccountLinkClock issue where the marked Leave Request and Holiday checkboxes were unmarked after running a Full Business Sync.
To install and configure this fix:
- Before Installing , backup the AccountlinkClock.exe.config file.
- Install AccountlinkClock (2.12.8210.23542).
- Copy the backed up AccountlinkClock.exe.config file into the \Program Files\AccountlinkClock folder.
- Edit the config file and add the following settings to the following sections:
- In the <Accountlink.Properties.Settings> section:
<setting name="OptionNewProjectAvailability" serializeAs="Xml">
<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
- In the <AccountlinkGP.Properties.Settings> section:
<setting name="Project_AvailableForLeaveRequestFilter" serializeAs="Xml">
<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="XML Schema ">
<string>UN - PTO</string>
<string>UN - VACATION</string>
<setting name="Project_AvailableForHolidayFilter" serializeAs="Xml">
<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="XML Schema ">
<string>UN - HOLIDAY</string>
- In the <Accountlink.Properties.Settings> section:
- Rename the unbilled activities <string> with the values that your company uses.
- Save the file.
Best Practices
For optimal synchronization performance, it is recommended to not run any unnecessary background processes during the scheduled sync time that could impact available system resources.
If you customize the column label for the "Activity" column, you will also need to update the Project Hierarchical Entry field (Settings > System Settings > Entry Sheets (Global Settings)) and the Time Entry Grid label (Settings > System Settings > Custom Entry Screens > Time Entry Screens > Standard Time Entry Grid) with the exact custom name.