Canceling a Lease Payment Schedule

Canceling a Lease Payment Schedule

If a customer decides to not continue with the leave invoice payment schedule, you can cancel the schedule. The method of canceling depends on whether the payment schedule has been released or processed.

If the fixed asset has been retired, you will also need to reactivate the asset in the Retirement Undo window (Financial > Transactions > Fixed Assets > Retire Undo). For more information, please see your Microsoft Dynamics GP documentation.

Deleting a released payment schedule

Use the Finance Lease Entry window to delete unposted payment schedules. Posted schedules can't be deleted.

To delete an unposted payment schedule:

  1. Open the Finance Leasing Entry window. (Transactions > Equipment > Finance Leasing Entry)
  2. Select a payment schedule.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. A message will ask you to confirm the removal of the payment schedule you're deleting; select Yes.

Voiding a processed payment schedule

Posted payment schedules are permanent. If you want to void a payment schedule, you must post all the lease payments and void each invoice individually. If there are many payments, you can change the number of payments to one in the Finance Lease Entry window, and then you can void a single invoice. For information on editing a payment schedule, see Editing a Lease Schedule.

To void a processed payment schedule:

  1. You must first post all the invoices and then void each individually. Refer to Receivables Management documentation for further information on voiding posted transactions.

  2. To delete the lease schedule, open the Finance Lease Entry window. (Transactions > Equipment > Finance Lease Entry)
  3. Select a payment schedule.
  4. Select Delete.
  5. A message will ask you to confirm the removal of the payment schedule you're deleting; select Yes.