Create Time Entry for Job Labor w/o Appointment

Create Time Entry for Job Labor w/o Appointment

You can create a time entry for job labor without associating the time with a specific job appointment.

  1. A Job Labor Time Entry can be created from Time Entries or from the Job List.

    • From Time Entries: Select Time Entries Select the menu icon, and then select Add Job Entry.

    • From the Job List: Select Jobs. Select the job and then select Add Time Entry or you can select the clock icon in the top right corner and proceed with the following:

  2. Select the Job.

    • DEVICE MODE: Displays jobs on your device.

    • SERVER MODE: You can search on the server for a job. This option requires an internet connection.

  3. Select an entry type and enter information in the appropriate fields. (*Required field)

  4. Select Save.

If you need to enter work crew time, you can do so by selecting the Work Crew button. See Enter Work Crew Activity for more information.