Mapping customer information

Mapping customer information

The first time that you are generating a service call for a specific customer, you need to map the fields from ServiceChannel to Signature fields. Once a customer has been mapped, the fields will automatically display the next time they request service. Mapping the fields is performed when you are viewing the service request information. The lookup fields for the Customer ID and Location ID display only when a link hasn't been established between the service aggregator and ESMS and Signature location. 

  1. Choose the Service Request.
  2. In the detail window that displays, choose Select Customer
  3. In the initial display, the list of customer names is filtered to display all customer names that contain the Client Name from ServiceChannel. 
  4. Choose Clear to display a list of all customer names.
  5. Choose the Signature Customer Name.
  6. You are returned to the service request detail information with the Signature Customer Name displayed.
  7. To set the Signature Location ID, choose Select Location
  8. The Location display list contains the locations associated with the Signature Customer.
  9. Choose to ACCEPT the service request.