Installing AWARM

Installing AWARM

  1. Launch the file Alt Window & Report Mgr <version>.exe.
  2. On the Welcome screen, choose Next >.
  3. Accept the terms of the license agreement and choose Next >.
  4. Use the Browse... button to find the folder within the same installation location as Microsoft Dynamics GP and Signature. Choose Next >.
  5. When you are ready to begin the installation, choose Install.
  6. When the installation is complete, choose Finish.
  7. Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  8. Select Yes to the message asking if you wish to include new code. A message appears stating that the WSAWRM.CNK is being included. If a progress bar does not appear, verify that the WSAWRM.CNK file was saved in the same directory as the DYNAMICS.DIC file.
  9. If you are the first user to log in after copying the WSAWRM.CNK file, log in as "sa." The SQL tables will be created on the server automatically. Otherwise, you can log in as any user.