Viewing the Jobs tab

Viewing the Jobs tab

Jobs can be viewed in the Customer Hub.

Viewing jobs

  1. To view the job(s) for a customer location, choose a customer in the Customer Hub.
  2. In the details section of the Customer Hub, choose the Jobs tab.
  3. Right-click a job and choose View Job Details to open a display-only view of the job details with tabs for the cost codes and subcontractors.

Filtering and sorting data

  • Group - To group the display by a column, select a column header and drag this to the area labeled Drag a column header to the group location to group the results by that column located to the top left of the columns.
  • Sort order - Select the column header to change the sort order. A small triangle points to indicate if the sorting is ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A). Hold the Shift key when selecting headers to sort against multiple columns simultaneously.
  • Filter - Select the lookup  to choose a filter type (contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, equals, does not equal) and enter the value in the field to the right of the lookup.
  • Column Order - Drag the column headers to the left or right to change the column order. 
  • Scrolling - A horizontal scrollbar is hidden until you hover with your mouse at the bottom of the grid. When the horizontal scrollbar displays, you can drag the bar to view more columns. A vertical scrollbar is automatically displayed.

Buttons on this window


Find - For information on locating records in the Customer Hub using the Find icon, see Locating a record using Find.

Clear Filter - Choose to clear the current search results filters.

Refresh - Reloads the results from the database.

Export - Select to export all data or selected rows. This icon displays for the main Customer Hub list as well as some of the detail tabs (Open Appointments, Service Calls, Equipment, Contacts, Contracts, and Jobs)

Column Tool - Select to display a list of available columns to display/hide. Mark to display the checkbox, unmark to hide.

Available data columns

The default columns that display are:

  • Job
  • Description
  • Project
  • Division
  • Project Manager
  • Estimator
  • Contract Number
  • Contract Type
  • Scheduled Start
  • Scheduled End
  • Estimated Hours
  • Hours to Date
  • Percent Complete
  • User_Define_1

You can add the following columns:

  • Bill to Customer
  • Inactive
  • Certified Payroll
  • Billing Type
  • Modified Date
  • Modified User