If you are currently using the Accountlink Clock 32-bit version and will be installing the new 64-bit version of Accountlink Clock, you will need to note or take a screenshot of any modified schedule task triggers and then delete the existing Clock scheduled tasks.
In Windows Task Scheduler (Choose the Start button and type Task Scheduler. Expand Task Scheduler Library and then select Clock.):
If you have modified the Clock scheduled tasks' triggers, we recommend that you take screenshots of the Edit Trigger window for each of the modified triggers. (Double-click a task, then choose Triggers. Double-click the trigger to open the Edit Trigger window. Take a screenshot of this window for each of the modified triggers.)
Delete the existing Clock scheduled tasks. (Right-click the scheduled task and then select Delete.)
Install AccountlinkClock - You will need to set up the Accountlink Clock Config file for the new 64-bit version.
Use Clock Administration - You will need to follow the steps to create the scheduled tasks. Use your screenshot or notes to set up the triggers based on how you had them set up previously.
Upgrading to the latest version of AccountlinkClock and/or Signature will not overwrite jx* Views. Reinstalling Clock Administration however does overwrite jx* views.