Accountlink Business Sync - Database Views

Accountlink Business Sync - Database Views


Physical Object Name



ServiceCallEquipmentjxServiceCallEquipmentViewComma-separated list of equipment by service call
ServiceCallEmployeesjxServiceCallEmployeesViewA list of assigned employees by service call appointment
PayCodeLaborjxPayCodeLaborViewAll active non-expense pay codes
PayCodeExpensejxPayCodeExpenseViewAll active expense pay codes
JobCostCodesjxJobCostCodesViewA list of assigned cost codes by job
EquipmentjxEquipmentGLAccountViewAll open Service Call Equipment
EmployeePayCodeLaborjxEmployeePayCodeLaborViewAll active employee non-expense pay codes
EmployeePayCodeExpensejxEmployeePayCodeExpenseViewAll active employee expense pay codes
EmployeejxEmployeeViewAll active GP employees setup as TT_Active under TimeTrack Registered Users
CostCodeLaborjxCostCodeLaborViewAll active labor cost codes
CostCodeExpensejxCostCodeExpenseViewAll active expense cost codes
ActivitiesjxJobServiceCallViewAll active Jobs, open Service Calls OR completed Service Calls within the last 90 days, and Activities