Viewing Labor Breakdown
Viewing Labor Breakdown
You can view details of labor units and amounts for open jobs in your project.
- Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
- Choose a Job, then choose Labor Breakdown. You can view the breakdown of the estimate labor units (usually hours), actual units, and percentage complete for each cost code in the Labor Breakdown Unit window.
- Choose the Amount tab to open the Labor Breakdown Amount window where you can view the breakdown of cost amounts for each cost code on the job, including estimate cost, posted cost, gain or loss to date, estimate complete, projected cost, and trended gain or loss. The trended gain or loss is the predicted gain or loss for the cost code and is automatically calculated based on the field percent complete for the cost code. The field percent can be entered in the Cost Codes Detail window, which is opened by zooming on the cost code.
- In either the unit or amount view, choose the printer button to choose a report to print. For more information, see Printing Project Manager Advisor Reports.
- From either the unit or amount view, choose a Cost Code and zoom on the Cost Code Number field to view cost code detail information.