Depending on the upon your MobileTech setup, you can enter and update work crew activity in MobileTech. For example, a group of people who work together at job or service appointments might be a work crew. A team that installs heating systems or a team that does survey work could also be a crew.
Work crews are set up in TimeTrack, and the activities of the crews then can be tracked in MobileTech.
A technician who will enter time for an appointment must be assigned to the work crew that is completing the work for the appointmentsettings, you may see options that enable you to enter labor, expense and/or travel transactions for other employees called a “work crew”. We consider a work crew to be a team of two or more field resources who are working at the same location, typically on the same days of the week, performing similar or related tasks. That ‘crew’ typically has a team leader and that team leader is responsible for entering the labor, expense and travel activity for the crew members.
Work crews must first be setup in TimeTrack and then activity for each member of the crew can be logged via MobileTech.
The team leader who will be entering activities for the crew must also be a member of that crew in TimeTrack.
Select and assign a work crew to a labor, travel, or expense transaction for an appointment.