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Generating a maintenance contract quote involves the following:
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sms2024:Maintenance Contract Quotessms2024:
Maintenance Contract Quotes
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sms2024:Assigning Tasks and Task Listssms2024:
Assigning Tasks and Task Lists



When generating a maintenance contract quote that has a task list with inactive tasks, only the active task codes will be assigned to the contract quote. You can print a report before generating the quote by selecting Print > Quote Inactive Tasks which shows any inactive tasks or task lists on the contract quote. This report will automatically print after generating if there are any inactive tasks or task lists that were not added to the new contract quote.  See Setting up Up Maintenance Task Codes and Task Lists.


  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and select Quote.
  3. Complete the following fields in the upper half of the window.
    • Quote Number
      If you chose during setup to use the auto numbering feature for maintenance contracts, this applies to contract quote generation as well. Both contract and quote numbers increment using the same list of numbers: they do not increment independently of one another. If the quote is turned into a contract, notes entered using the notepad button in this field transfer to the contract.
    • Billing Frequency, Invoice Billing Day
      These fields can be edited in this window and can also be changed when a maintenance contract is generated from the quote.
    • Service Call Day, Contract Start Date, Contract Expiration Date
      These dates will be used to generate the task schedule. The contract period cannot be longer than one year.
    • User-Defined
      These labels are the same as those in the Maintenance Contract window. You may have labeled these fields during setup. See Labeling user-defined fields See Labeling Maintenance Contracts. If you chose to validate the first and second user-defined fields in the Location window during setup, lookup windows will be attached to the fields and users will be prompted before adding to the lookup data. See Choosing Service Options .


  1. Close the Quote Coverage Maintenance window to return to the Quote Coverage window.
  2. Select Tasks to open the Quote Task Maintenance window. 

    Tasks may already be attached to the equipment if an equipment type with attached tasks was assigned to the piece of equipment.
  3. Use the browse buttons in the Equipment field to select an equipment record or use the lookup to open the Quote Equipment window where you can use the Find button to locate an equipment record by serial number. Use the Quote Task List ID field to attach tasks to the quote using task lists.

  4. Select Redisplay.
  5. Add tasks and subtasks by selecting a record in the left scrolling window and choosing Insert >>. For more information on selecting tasks in the Quoted Task Maintenance window, see the section Using task code lookupTask Code Lookup. If you select a record in the Quote Coverage window before choosing the Tasks or Task Lists button, that information will default in the Quote Task Maintenance window and the Copy Task List window.


To define materials required for a quote task or sub-task, refer to the section below, then proceed to Enter the estimated costs Estimated Costs for the quoteQuote.

Defining Required Materials for Quote Tasks or Subtasks


Costs must be manually entered in the Estimated Cost column. You can use the Task-Based Cost column as a guide when entering estimated costs. This allows , allowing you to adjust costs if necessary.

For instance, you could charge a customer a lower price if there were numerous identical tasks to be were performed at a single location. This also allows you to preserve the initial estimated cost for use as a benchmark since these figures are not automatically updated as costs change. 


If a billing amount is manually edited, then the margin is recalculated. However, the billing and margin amounts will be overridden if you select the Calculate button.

Step 8:


Generate a Maintenance Contract


From the Quote

  1. Select the Contract button in the Contract Quote window to open the Generate Contract From Quote window.
  2. Complete the following fields, as necessary.
    • Contract Number
      Enter the Contract Number to be generated.
    • Contract Start Date, Contract Expiration Date, Service Call Day
      These dates come from the Contract Quote window. You can change this information, but we recommend keeping the length of the contract the same as the length of the quoted contract. That is, if your quote was for a 12-month contract, the contract generated from the quote should be for a 12-month contract.
    • Division
      Enter a Division for the contract.
    • Delete Quote on Contract Generation
      Mark this checkbox if you want to delete the quote once the contract is generated.
    • Start Task Schedule based on first available service date
      Mark this checkbox if you want the maintenance tasks on a contract to be scheduled on the first available service call date, regardless of the task's schedule.
  3. Select Generate New Contract. If the equipment attached to the quote is already attached to a contract, you will receive an error message indicating this. You must detach it from the contract before proceeding.
  4. The Maintenance Contract window opens, where you can enter and edit contract information. Save the contract.
