System Requirements
Building Optimization Broker
Map2BOB 1.1
MobileTech 8.5 or later (optional)
Schedule 4.6 or later
Signature 2018 R4 or later
Signature Agent 2.4 (optional)
Step 1: Create the FSM Integration
Please see the Building Optimization Broker (BOB) online documentation for information about Creating an FSM Integration.
Step 2: Configure the FSM Integration
Step 3: Install and Configure Map2BOB on the Service Machine
Please see the MAP2BOB11 online the Map2BOB online user guide for installation and configuration information. The BOB credentials in Map2BOB are shared with BOB Settings in MobileTech 8.5 or higher and Schedule 4.6 or higher.
Please see the Map2BOB online user guide for the following:
Step 5: Enable BOB Dashboard in MobileTech
You can use Signature Agent Advanced Communications to update customers about appointment and service call updates within Schedule. For more information, see the Signature the Signature Agent 2.4 documentation.
Step 7: Review Schedule User Guide for Processing Request Information