Mapping Locations and Sites
Use the Location tab in the Map2BOB window to link/unlink ERP Locations with BOB Sites as well as you can create a new BOB Site from this window. When you open Map2BOB from the Service Manager window's Additional menu, your ERP Customers and Locations display, with each Customer Location on a separate row. This provides you with the ability to select which locations to link and track within BOB. (Cards > Service Management > Service Manager > Additional > Map2BOB Sites)
- If the BOB Client field is empty, you have the option from the ellipsis icon to Manage Client, which provides the ability to create the Client for BOB. See Creating a BOB Client.
- If the BOB Client is mapped and the BOB Site field is empty, you have the option from the ellipsis icon to
- Manage Site: Provides the ability to create the Site for BOB. See Creating a BOB Site.
- Manage Contacts: Provides the ability to create and link the Contact. See Creating a BOB Site Contact.
- Manage Equipment: Provides the ability to create and link the Equipment. See Creating BOB Equipment
Additional Information
Map2BOB provides an efficient process that will allow a Signature Service Management (SMS) user to create entity data in Building Optimization Broker (BOB) using data from ERP Customers, Locations, Equipment, and Contacts. This also creates the link between the BOB entity and the ERP entity. If you’ve already created entity data in Building Optimization Broker, you can use the Map2BOB features to link existing BOB entity data to its ERP equivalent.
This linking of ERP data to the Building Optimization Broker will enable Service Requests initiated in BOB to be transitioned into a Signature Service Call for any linked Signature Customer, Location, and Equipment, with valid to references Signature Location Contacts. Signature Service Calls created from BOB Service Requests will be additionally linked by the BOB Work Order Number which is stored in the Signature Service Call entity. Additionally, the linking of BOB and ERP entity data allows MobileTech to expose the BOB Dashboard which exposes BOB Fault and Priority data to the field.
Columns in this Window
Tracked: Indicates if the Site data is tracking in BOB.
Only the Sites that have tracking turned on will be used with Service Requests in Building Optimization Broker.- Linked: Indicates if the Customer's Location and Site are linked
- ERP Customer: Displays the ERP Customer name.
- BOB Client: Displays the synced BOB Client name. The field is
- ERP Location: Displays the ERP Location name.
- BOB Site: Displays the synced BOB Site name.
- Ellipsis: The availability of the following options depends on the BOB Client and/or Site availability and/or linked status.
- Manage Client
- Manage Contacts
- Manage Site
- Manage Equipment