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Once the scheduled maintenance records are created, you can modify individual scheduled maintenance records and assign and complete the work. The process varies depending on whether the scheduled maintenance record uses Service Management.

Performing scheduled maintenance without Service Management

  1. Choose Transactions > Equipment > Equipment Scheduled Maintenance.
  2. Enter a number in the Maintenance Number field or use the lookup to choose a scheduled maintenance record.
  3. If this scheduled maintenance record is currently being worked on, mark the Current check box checkbox. Inactive records do not process. If you selected a record associated with a piece of equipment that is inactive, the Current and Inactive check boxes checkboxes are disabled.
  4. You can edit scheduled information thereby changing the Due Date and Due At fields.
  5. You can also change the Due At field by choosing the expansion button attached to the Prior Usage field to open the Prior Usage Update window. If you want to enter a prior usage, enter a value in the Prior Usage field and choose OK. If you want the prior usage to automatically update from the value in the Usage Life to Date field in the Equipment Manager window, choose the Update button. The prior usage number is the base of what the relative number is added to. You can manually change the Due Date and Due At fields.
  6. Choose the printer button to print the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance Detailed report. This is a useful report for the technician per forming the scheduled maintenance. At this point, you could mark the Current check box checkbox in the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window to indicate that this scheduled maintenance record is currently being worked on.
  7. Once the scheduled maintenance has been performed, you can mark it complete. This will move the current scheduled maintenance record to history and create recurring records. Choose Complete to open the Process Completed Maintenance window.
  8. Enter a Meter Reading. The last meter reading taken for that equipment defaults. The unit of measurement from the equipment record appears next to the field. An operating log will be created for the reading entered.
  9. Enter a Completion Date. The Microsoft Dynamics GP user date appears by default.
  10. Choose Complete.

If the Recurring check box checkbox was marked and the value in the Times to Repeat field is one or greater, then a message will appear stating the new scheduled maintenance record has been created. The Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window will open for the new record. The Times to Repeat field will have decremented by one. The Due Date and Due At fields will be calculated based on the Meter Reading and Completion Date fields.

Performing scheduled maintenance with Service Management

If you are using Service Management, you can create service calls for the maintenance work from Equipment Management. Equipment can be covered by maintenance contracts in Service Management. 


Service Management limits to 24 the number of hours that can be scheduled for one appointment. For service calls originating in Equipment Management, if the task hours, which are used to create appointments, assigned to the service call exceed 24 hours, multiple appointments will be created in Service Management.

Step 1: Create service calls for scheduled maintenance records.

If you want to modify an individual scheduled maintenance record, you can do so in the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window. You can also create a service call for the individual record from the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window.

  1. Choose Transactions > Equipment > Equipment Scheduled Maintenance.
  2. Enter a number in the Maintenance Number field to choose a scheduled maintenance record. The Current check box checkbox is automatically marked and disabled after creating calls. Inactive records do not process.
  3. You can edit scheduled information thereby changing the Due Date and Due At fields.
  4. You can also change the Due At field by choosing the expansion button attached to the Prior Usage field to open the Prior Usage Update window. If you want to enter a prior usage, enter a value in the Prior Usage field and choose OK. If you want the prior usage to automatically update from the value in the Usage Life to Date field in the Equipment Manager window, choose the Update button. The prior usage number is the basis of what the relative number is added to. You may manually change the Due Date and Due At fields. This process is useful if the operating log was not current when the scheduled maintenance record was created.
  5. You can choose the Tasks button to edit tasks and task lists assigned to the scheduled maintenance record. If you unmark the Use Signature Service Management check box checkbox, tasks and task lists will be removed from the scheduled maintenance record before saving. If the Use Maintenance Contract check box checkbox is marked and no contract number appears, this piece of equipment has not been attached to a maintenance contract; therefore, no contract will be used when creating the service call.
  6. Choose the printer button to print the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance Detailed report. This is a useful report for the technician per forming performing the scheduled maintenance. You can print additional reports using the printer button if you have the Document Printing Enhancements feature registered.
  7. You can create a new call in Service Management using the New Call button. Some fields, for example, the Call Type, Division and Problem Type, default from the scheduled maintenance record onto the service call.
You can create many service calls at once, and, if the divisions on the scheduled maintenance records are the same, you can combine multiple scheduled maintenance records on to one service call using the Process Scheduled Maintenance window. See Processing scheduled maintenanceScheduled Maintenance.

Step 2: Record and complete the work in Service Management

After service calls have been created, you can record the scheduled maintenance work in Service Management. All tasks assigned to the call will be combined to create one appointment in Service Management. If the task hours exceed 24, additional appointments will be created. You can edit these appointments as necessary. See Assigning tasks and subtasks to a service call in the Service Management User Manual.

  1. In the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window, zoom on the Service Call ID field to open the Service Call window.
  2. Choose Tasks to open the Service Call Tasks window.
  3. Complete the following fields.
    • Task Status
      Enter a status of Complete.
    • Completion Date
      Used to create an operating log.
    • First Response Value
      Enter a task response value in Service Management. Equipment Management uses this field to create an operating log for the equipment. If the unit of measure is assigned to the equipment record in Equipment Management, if the task has been assigned to the unit of measure, and if the equipment record is linked between Service Management and Equipment Management, an operating log is automatically created and the Usage Life to Date field in the Equipment Manager window is updated. The service call ID is used as the document number of the operating log.
  4. Choose Save and close the Service Call Tasks window.
  5. Enter a date in the Completion Date field in the Service Call window. The Completion Date field is important because it is used as the basis on which to create new scheduled maintenance records. If you want the Completion Date to be something other than the user date, you must enter the completion date before entering Closed or Complete in the Call Status field. If you enter the call status first, the user date automatically defaults and is saved in the Completion Date field. Once the service call is marked Complete or Closed in Service Management, it will be considered complete in Equipment Management. That is, the record will be moved to history and a new scheduled maintenance record will be created if the Recurring check box checkbox is marked and the Times to Repeat field is one or greater in the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window.