Date | December 2023 |
Service Pack Name | W18g717TA |
Released on Signature Version | 18.05b07 |
Signature g# | 717 |
Released on MBS (Dynamics) version | 18.5.1556, 18.5.1596 or 18.5.1635 |
Released on MBS (Dexterity) version | 18.00.0028.000 |
To maintain compatibility with the Time cloud and Signature 2022, please download and install the Time App Update for Signature 2022 (W18g628TA.cnk).
You can find this update on the Product Downloads page. After installing the three updates, you must configure the server objects and run a full synchronization to sync the data in the Microsoft Dynamics GP company with the company created in Core.
Follow the steps found in the On-Premise Setup Steps section.
The following processes need to be set up in the following order:
- Step 1: Install Latest Schedule
- Step 2: Install Time App Update for Signature
- Step 3: Install TimeTrack Add-In
- Step 4: Set up Registered Users
- Step 5: Install Sync2Core
- Step 6: Set up and Run TimeTrack Data Sync
The Time Admin user will need to be a member of the Signature WSTT POWERUSER role in order to access the Time setup windows in TimeTrack.
Files Included