Install MobileTech Client
Install MobileTech Client
Use these instructions to install MobileTech Client. For information about how to use MobileTech Client after it is installed, see the Help in MobileTech.
- Double-click the install file. For example, for Windows devices, this is Signature MobileTech Client.exe. See the Readme for the version of MobileTech Client to install.
- On the Welcome to the Signature MobileTech Client Setup Wizard page, choose Next.
- On the End-User License Agreement page, read and accept the license agreement, and then choose Next. The Select Installation Folder page is displayed.
- Choose Browse to select the location where MobileTech Client should be installed, or accept the default location.
- Choose Next. The Ready to Install page is displayed.
- Choose Install to start the installation. The Installing Signature MobileTech Client page will display the progress of the installation.
- When the installation is complete, the Completing the Signature MobileTech Client Setup Wizard page is displayed. Choose Finish.