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Use this information to choose settings that control how MobileTech is used. Settings that are not available are read-only.

  1. In MobileTech Administration, choose Setup Options. The setup options page is displayed.
  2. Select a setting to view its description at the bottom of the page, or refer to the tables that follow for information about how to configure the settings for your organization. 

MobileTech Global Settings


The SQL Server name and instance that was specified during logon. This value cannot be changed.


The user who logged on to MobileTech Administration to communicate with the SQL Server database. This value cannot be changed.

TimeTrackProxyUrlThe URL of the default TimeTrack Web Service. This value is configured during setup and should not be changed unless the TimeTrack Web Service is moved to a new server.

Determines whether all possible events are logged to the event log. The default value is False.If True, all possible events are logged to the event log, and the event log fills much more quickly. You might want to set this to True only for troubleshooting purposes.

LogSqlDetermines whether all T-SQL statements are logged to the event log. The default value is False.

MobileTech Company-Specific Settings

AdminEmailAddressThe administrative email account where log files and error logs are sent.
HistoryCountThe number of historical equipment and service records to display on the client device when the technician requests service history. The default value is 3.
IncludeMCCWithHistoryDetermines whether maintenance computer-generated calls (MCC) are included when service and equipment history is requested. The default value is True.
CurrencyDecimalPlacesThe number of decimal places that are used to process currency amounts on the device. This value comes from Microsoft Dynamics GP and cannot be changed.

Determines whether technicians can create a service call for any customer in the system. The default value is False. The following settings for global filtering and creating a call for any customer determine permissions for technicians. For more information about global filtering, see "Using global filters" in the Service Management manual. 

  • We recommend leaving CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer set to False. With MobileTech 7.0, we now synchronize all location contacts for any locations on the device. If this setting is set to True, all location contacts will be syncing for all locations and may result in a large amount of data. Additionally, the introduction of the SERVER MODE allows users to see all permissible customers and locations in the middle-tier while improving overall sync times significantly. (SERVER MODE is set at UseServerMode in Mobile Device Global Settings.

Global filtering is set up in Service Management. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Module Setup > Service Options. In the Service Options window, mark Use Global Record Identification Filters.

  • Global filtering is marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = True - Technicians can create calls for any customers and locations in their assigned branches (home and away), and for any exception-branch customers and locations that are assigned to calls and appointments.
  • Global filtering is marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = False - Technicians can create calls only for customers and locations that are assigned to their calls and appointments.
  • Global filtering is not marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = True - Technicians can create calls for any customers and locations in the system.
  • Global filtering is not marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = False - Technicians can create calls only for customers and locations that are assigned to their calls and appointments.

Report Settings


Determines how to handle automated emails of reports and other documents, such as invoices. Reports are always sent to the email account that is specified for a technician when the technician is added to MobileTech (MobileTech Administration > Users)

Each technician's email address is also their logon account, and that is the email address that is used to send reports to the technician.

    • Do not send report emails - The report is sent only to the specified email account for the technician. The technician can then decide whether to forward the report to others, and to whom. This is the default value and should be used if reports should never be sent directly to a customer or another third-party contact.
    • Signature Contact Management - Send an email to the technician, and to the contact or contact list that is set up in Contact Management and that is associated with the location of the service call.
    • GP Internet Addresses - Send an email to the technician who is set up in the Internet Information window in Microsoft Dynamics GP (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Company > Internet Information) and who is associated with the location of the service call. Only one contact is allowed for this value.
    • Selected or entered by technician - The technician can select one or more email addresses to send reports or other documents, such as invoices, to appropriate personnel in the organization. The technician can also enter email addresses for new contacts and customers to send documents to them. This value applies only to external reports and documents, such as field invoices and the Call Summary report.

      The Select or entered by technician option allows technicians the ability to add a contact on-the-fly.

ReportEmailSMTPServerThe name of the machine where the email server resides.
ReportEmailSMTPServerPortThe port that is used by the email server. The default port number is 25, but you can change it for your system.
ReportEmailSMTPEnableSSLDetermines whether SSL is used by the email server. The default value is False.

The URL for the Report Execution web service. This URL is used by the system to communicate with the SSRS report server to generate the Call Summary report. 

To locate the URL, open Reporting Services Configuration Manager, and then open the Web Service URL section. Use the value from the URLs field, followed by /ReportExecution2005.asmx. Example: http://\{servername}/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx

UseSMTPAuthenticationDetermines whether a user name and password are required for sending email. The default value is True.
SMTPUsernameThe user name that is used to send report email notifications. This is available – and required – if UseSMTPAuthentication = True.
SMTPPasswordThe password that is used to send report email notifications. This is available – and required – if UseSMTPAuthentication = True.
ReportPreviewMaxRetryAttemptsThe number of times that the client attempts to retrieve the preview of a field invoice after it is requested. The default number of attempts is 30.This setting applies to field invoicing and is available only if Field Invoicing and Field Payments is registered, and UseFieldInvoicing = True in the Field Invoicing and Field Payments Settings area.
ReportPreviewRetryIntervalThe number of seconds between when the client tries to retrieve the preview of a field invoice until the maximum number of attempts has been met or the preview invoice is generated. The default number of seconds is 30.This setting applies to field invoicing and is available only if Field Invoicing and Field Payments is registered, and UseFieldInvoicing = True in the Field Invoicing and Field Payments Settings area.

Mobile Device Global Settings


The default status for appointments that are received by the device. The default value is blank, which means no status is assigned to the appointmentsIf a status is selected for both this setting and JobSafetyStartStatus in Job Safety Tasks, we recommend that you do not use the same status for both. 

AutoStatusUpdate and TimeLogStatusUpdate in Time Log Settings cannot have the same value.

DefaultWeekdayThe default week-ending day for time entries, which is based on the TimeTrack settings in the Microsoft Dynamics GP database. This value cannot be changed.
UseAdditionalWorkDetermines whether technicians can enter additional work on a service call. The default value is True.If False, technicians cannot enter new additional work in the Additional Work pane.
UseBarcodingDetermines whether the organization uses barcoding functionality in MobileTech. If True, barcoding is used.If False, barcoding is not used. The default value is False.


Determines whether technicians can utilize SERVER MODE with all Offline HTML pages. Server Mode allows users to access customer, location, and equipment data via the Middle Tier database (utilizing mobile data). If False, users will only access customer data on their devices, not from the Middle Tier. The default value is True.
UseServiceCallUserDefine2Indicates whether the Service Call User Defined 2 field is a validated lookup, based on the Service Management settings in Microsoft Dynamics GP. This value cannot be changed.
UseWorkCrewJobCostDetermines whether technicians can enter billed labor, travel, and expense transactions for a Job Cost work crew that includes any Microsoft Dynamics GP user who has valid hourly or business expense type pay codes. The default value is True.
UseWorkCrewServiceDetermines whether technicians can enter labor, travel, or expense transactions for service work crews or individual work crew members when a service appointment is completed. The default value is False.
UseTechnicianHelperDetermines whether technicians can enter labor and expense transactions for another technician. The default value is False. If True, technicians also can change the technician on the transaction.

Determines whether technicians can enter and review change orders that affect job costs. The default value is True.


Determines whether technicians can edit customer notes. The default value is True.


Determines whether technicians can edit location notes. The default value is True.


Determines whether technicians can edit equipment notes. The default value is True.

ServiceCallNotesReadOnlyDetermines whether technicians can edit service call notes. The default value is True.

Determines whether technicians can edit appointment notes. The default value is True.


Determines whether technicians can edit contract notes. The default value is True.

DefaultNewNotesAsInternalDetermines whether the default setting for new notes that are created by technicians is Internal, which means the notes are not displayed on the Call Summary report. The default value is False. Technicians can change this setting per note when they create notes.
UseAppointmentNotesSummaryDetermines whether note links are displayed at the bottom of the Appointment pane when technicians view the details for a service call appointment. If True, the links are displayed, so technicians can easily view the notes from one location. The default value is False.
UseEventBasedSyncDetermines whether event-based syncing is used on all devices. If True, event-based syncing is used to sync to the host system after a service call is created, an appointment is created or completed, a timesheet report is requested, or a payment has been applied to a field invoice. If False, event-based syncing is not used. The default value is True.If Sync Login is marked on the Setup page on the device, the Sync page will be displayed and the user must choose Sync. For more information, see "Event-based syncing" in the MobileTech Help.


Used to control the ability to auto-upload mobileaudit records to the host. This is used with Woodford's Auditing feature to track technician GPS coordinates based on creating or updating specific entities such as Appointment, TimeLog, or TimeEntry.  The default value is False. See Enable Mobile Auditing for setting up Woodford's Auditing feature.
OnSiteStatusUpdateUsed when UseMobileAuditBackgroundSync=True to determine what status will be used to automatically send the technician's GPS coordinates to the host.  No synchronization is required, but an internet connection must be available.

Time Log Settings

UseTimeLogDetermines whether technicians can clock in and out from the client device and have billable labor hours calculated automatically by the system. Unbillable hours for technicians also are calculated by the system. Users also can see which appointments they are timed in to, and the Time In and Time Out values are displayed in the Appointment Summary Preview and Job Summary Preview panes and on the Call Summary and Appointment Summary reports. The default value is False. If False, the next four settings are not available.

Determines whether the Time In and Time Out fields on the client device are locked. The default value is True.If True, hours go directly to appointment history. If False, technicians can manually adjust the time.You can change this value only if UseTimeLog = True.


Determines whether the Labor Time field on the client device is locked. The default value is True.If False, technicians can manually adjust the labor hours that are calculated based on their time in and time out.You can change this value only if UseTimeLog = True.


Determines whether technicians can time in to multiple appointments at the same time. The default value is False, so time-in and time-out entries cannot overlap.You can change this value only if UseTimeLog = True

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of MobileTech, this setting may have been set to True and could not be changed. If so, the setting remains set to True after the upgrade, but you can change the value.


The interval (in minutes) that labor time is rounded to when technicians time in and out. The default value is 15, which means the technician's labor hours are rounded to the nearest 15 minutes. Enter a value of 1-60 minutes. You can change this value only if UseTimeLog = True.

If you enter 0, this may cause the calculations to not work as expected.


Choose the appointment status to default for appointments when the technicians time in. If the status is manually updated in the appointment to the specified status, the technician will be automatically timed in. The default value is empty (disabled). 

TimeLogStatusUpdate and AutoStatusUpdate in Mobile Device Global Settings  cannot have the same value.


Field Invoicing and Field Payments Settings

When you use field invoicing and field payments, you can invoice customers in the field as soon as an appointment is completed, and collect payment for those invoices right away. Invoices are calculated similarly to how they are calculated in Service Management. You can enable this feature by customer, so that some customers can be invoiced in the field and invoices for other customers are generated in the host system. When technicians select to complete an appointment, they can choose to preview the field invoice before the service call appointment is completed and the field invoice is created. During the service call appointment completion process, a field invoice is created and the technician can accept payment, depending on whether field payments are enabled. Both full and partial payments can be made.

This information applies when you use field invoicing and field payments:

  • Field invoicing can be used only with service invoicing. Sales Order Processing (SOP) invoicing is not supported.
  • Payment term discounts are not supported.
  • In the Tax Detail Maintenance window in Microsoft Dynamics GP, the Based On field for the tax detail must be set to Percent of Sale/Purchase. The other options are not supported with field invoicing. Also, the Round field must be set to Up to the Next Currency Decimal Digit.
  • You must use a tax schedule from the master tax schedule, which is tied to a customer's service location. You cannot use tax schedules for individual cost categories.
  • If you use SOP for inventory, the billing amount for items comes from the Item Price List Maintenance window. If you do not use SOP for inventory, the billing amount comes from the Service Management pricing matrix.
  • All payment types are accepted, including cash, check, and credit card. However, a customer can use each payment type only once per payment. For example, customers can pay using both a credit card and a check, but not two credit cards. This is consistent with how the On Account window works in Service Management.

These settings only apply if Field Invoicing and Field Payments is registered.


Determines whether the organization allows invoicing by technicians in the field. The default value is False.

If True, invoices are generated automatically when appointments for a service call are completed, if the customer is set up to receive field invoices.

If False, the remaining settings in this section are not available.


Determines whether taxes for the organization are calculated for field invoices based on the tax schedule that is set up for a customer location, or if taxes are not calculated for field invoices. The default value is Do not tax.

    • Do not taxTaxes are not calculated for field invoices. We recommend that you select this option if taxes are built into your pricing.
    • Calculate taxes using Dynamics tax informationTaxes are calculated based on the master tax schedule ID that is set up for the customer location. For more information, see the Help for the Customer Maintenance window in Microsoft Dynamics GP Receivables Management.

Determines whether technicians can preview field invoices before they are generated. The default value is False.


The invoice number to use when a preview invoice is generated.You can enter up to seven alphabetic, numeric, or special characters for the preview number. The invoice number is the same for all preview invoices that are generated on all mobile devices and is added as a prefix to the technician's name on the preview invoice. The default value is PREVIEW.


Determines whether the customer signature that is collected when a service call appointment is completed should be printed on the field invoice. The default value is False.


Determines whether technicians can collect payments in the field and then send payment transactions to Microsoft Dynamics GP. The default value is False.

Job Safety Tasks

These settings apply only to service appointments. For information about how to set up Job Safety Audit (JSA) information in the host system, see Set up job safety audit (JSA) information.


Determines whether the JSA process is used. The default value is False.If False, the remaining settings in this section are not available. 

If you change this setting to True, the JSA process is used only for appointments that are created or edited in Service Management – and then synced – after the setting is changed. Other existing appointments are not impacted.


The JSA task list type. This value is required to use JSA and to make JSA tasks available to technicians.

JobSafetyStartStatusThe appointment status that is used to start the JSA process. When a technician selects this appointment status, the Job Safety tab opens automatically so the technician can complete JSA tasks.If a status is selected for both this setting and AutoStatusUpdate in the Mobile Device Global Settings section, we recommend that you do not use the same status for both.
JobSafetyUnsafeStatusThe appointment status that is used to indicate that work conditions are unsafe.You might want to create a status specifically for this purpose, such as UNSAFE. You can create this status in the Appointment Status Setup window in Service Management.

The level of requirement for completing the Job Safety Task report before starting work on appointment tasks. The default value is REQUIRED.

    • REQUIRED - The report must be completed to complete an appointment.
    • OPTIONAL - The report does not have to be completed to complete an appointment.

Equipment Settings


Determines whether technicians can change an equipment record from the client device. The default value is True.

This setting does not prevent technicians from creating new equipment records.

AllowModifyNewEquipmentIdDetermines whether technicians can enter the equipment ID when they create an equipment record. The default value is False.If False, the equipment ID is system generated.

Determines whether the Refrigerant Tracking tab is available when viewing equipment on a service call. The default value is False.If Refrigerant Tracking is not registered, this value cannot be changed.


Determines whether all equipment records that  technicians have access to are synced to the client devices.If True, results are determined by the settings for global filtering in Service Management and the CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer value in MobileTech Administration. The default value is False.

If you change this value from False to True, you need to load data, and make sure Sync Lookups is marked before you choose Import. For more information, see Load data.
Global filtering is set up in Service Management. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Module Setup > Service Options. In the Service Options window, mark Use Global Record Identification Filters.

    • Global filtering is marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = True - Every piece of equipment for locations in a technician's branch, along with any exception-branch customers and locations that are assigned to calls and appointments, is synced.
    • Global filtering is not marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = True - All equipment records are synced, regardless of whether the equipment is assigned to a call.
    • Global filtering is not marked and CreateNewCallForAnyCustomer = False - Only equipment records for locations that have assigned calls are synced.
AssignedEquipmentValidationLevelThe level of requirement for equipment to be assigned during the appointment completion process. The default value is Optional.
  • OPTIONAL – Appointments can be completed regardless if equipment has been assigned or not.
  • WARNING – A warning is displayed if equipment has not been assigned to the appointment.
  • REQUIRED – An appointment cannot be completed until equipment has been assigned.

Task Settings

Beginning with Signature 2018 and MobileTech 6.0, if a task response is marked as required in Service Management, the task cannot be completed until the response is entered.

DefaultTaskStatusThe default task status when a task is received on a mobile device. The default setting is based on the task status that is set up in Service Management.This value does not apply to the tasks that are displayed when you view tasks by selecting the All Open Tasks (hierarchy) view in the Tasks pane.This value cannot be changed.
DefaultTaskCompletionStatusThe default status that is used when completing a task on the client device.

The level of requirement for completing tasks before completing an appointment. The default value is WARNING.

  • OPTIONAL – Appointments can be completed regardless of the status of the appointment tasks.
  • WARNING – A warning is displayed if appointment tasks are set to the default task status that is specified in the DefaultTaskStatus setting.
  • REQUIRED – An appointment cannot be completed until all tasks have a status other than the default task status, as defined in the DefaultTaskStatus setting.

Determines whether estimated hours for a task are hidden on the client device.If True, estimated hours are hidden (they are not displayed on the client device). The default value is False.


Determines whether tasks that are associated with an appointment are shown with the Appointment pane when a service call appointment is completed. The default value is False.


Determines whether task materials (replacement parts) are displayed for tasks and task hierarchies for service calls. The default value is False.

Purchase Order Settings

These settings apply only if you use purchase orders.

UsePurchaseOrderDetermines whether the Purchase Orders tab on mobile devices is active. Technicians can use that tab to enter purchase orders. The default value is True.

The level of requirement for entering purchase orders before completing an appointment. The default value is OPTIONAL.

  • OPTIONAL – Technicians do not need to enter purchase orders before completing appointments and are not prompted to enter them.
  • WARNING – Technicians are prompted, but not required, to enter purchase orders before completing appointments.
  • REQUIRED – Technicians must enter at least one purchase order before completing appointments.

Determines whether purchase order numbers are generated automatically.If True, purchase order numbers are generated automatically and cannot be changed by technicians. If False, technicians can enter purchase order numbers.To use a unique prefix to make it easier to identify in the host system purchase orders that were entered by technicians, select False. Then, for the DefaultPONumberPrefix setting, enter a prefix to display on purchase orders that are created by technicians.The default value is True.


Enter a unique purchase order number prefix to display on purchase orders that are created by technicians.You can change this value and generate special prefixes only if AutoGeneratePurchaseOrderNumbers = False.


Enter a default prefix to display when technicians enter a non-inventory item on a purchase order line.

DefaultSiteThe default inventory site to use when technicians create purchase orders. If a technician is assigned to this site in Service Management, the site is displayed by default in the Site field in the PO Lines pane. If a technician is not assigned to this site in Service Management, the Site field is blank.

The default inventory unit of measure to use when technicians create purchase orders.


The default vendor ID to use when a vendor name is not displayed in the lookup window.Technicians can select the Unknown Vendor option on devices when they purchase an item from a new vendor who is not set up in Service Management.

UsePurchaseOrderReceiptDetermines whether technicians can view and receive against drop-ship purchase orders that are entered in Microsoft Dynamics GP. The default value is False.

Resolution Settings

These settings apply only to service appointments.


Determines whether the Resolution tab is displayed when an appointment is being completed. The default value is True and cannot be changed.


The level of required information that must be entered on the Resolution tab when completing an appointment. The default value is OPTIONAL.

  • OPTIONAL – Technicians do not need to complete the information on the tab to complete the appointment.
  • WARNING – A warning is displayed to indicate that information on the tab is not complete.
  • REQUIRED – Technicians must complete the information on the tab to complete the appointment.

The level of required information that must be entered for a Resolution Note is created. The default value is Optional.

  • OPTIONAL – Technicians do not need to complete the information on the tab to complete the appointment.
  • WARNING – A warning is displayed to indicate that information on the tab is not complete.
  • REQUIRED – Technicians must complete the information on the tab to complete the appointment.
UseAppointmentResolutionNoteDetermines whether the Appointment Summary or Call Summary report is generated when resolution notes are entered for an appointment or service call. If True, and resolution notes are entered for appointments, the Appointment Summary report is generated. If False, and resolution notes are entered for service calls, the Call Summary report is generated. The default value is False.

Labor Settings


Determines whether Labor is an entry type option in Time Entry when an appointment is being completed. The default value is True.

If False, the remaining settings in this section are not available.


The level of information that is required for labor when completing an appointment. The default value is OPTIONAL.

  • OPTIONAL – Technicians do not need to complete labor information to complete appointments.
  • WARNING – A warning is displayed to indicate that labor information is not complete.
  • REQUIRED – Technicians must complete labor information to complete appointments.
DefaultCostCodeLaborThe default cost code that is displayed on the device for labor.
DefaultBilledHourlyPayCodeThe default pay code that is displayed on the device for billed hourly labor. Technicians can set up or change any pay code on an individual device.
DefaultUnbilledHourlyPayCodeThe default pay code that is displayed on the device for hourly labor that is not billed. Technicians can set up or change any pay code on an individual device.

Determines if the technician's hours display in the Time Entries and Appointment Entry headers. The default value is set to False.

    • Time Entry header - Displays the current week or previous week total hours, depending on the drop-down selection.
    • Appointment Entry header - Displays the total appointment hours.

Travel Settings

In the current release, extended pricing is not supported for travel and expense transactions through Time Entry.


Determines whether Travel is an entry type option in Time Entry when an appointment is being completed. The default value is True.

If False, the remaining settings in this section are not available.


The level of information that is required for travel when completing an appointment. The default value is OPTIONAL.

  • OPTIONAL - Technicians do not have to complete travel information to complete appointments.
  • WARNING - A message is displayed to indicate that travel information is not complete.
  • REQUIRED - Technicians must complete travel information to complete appointments.

The default pay code that is displayed on the device for billed travel. Technicians can set up or change any pay code on an individual device.

DefaultUnbilledTravelPayCodeThe default pay code that is displayed on the device for unbilled travel. Technicians can set up or change any pay code on an individual device.

Expense Settings

In the current release, extended pricing is not supported for expense and travel transactions through Time Entry.

UseExpenseDetermines whether Expense is an entry type option in Time Entry when an appointment is being completed. The default value is True. If False, the remaining settings in this section are not available.

The level of information that is required for expenses when completing an appointment. The default value is OPTIONAL.

    • OPTIONAL – Technicians do not have to complete expense information to complete appointments.
    • WARNING – A message is displayed to indicate that expense information is not complete.
    • REQUIRED – Technicians must complete expense information to complete appointments.

You can change this value only if UseExpense = True.

DefaultCostCodeExpenseThe default cost code that is displayed on the device for expenses.You can change this value only if UseExpense = True.

The default pay code that is displayed on the device for billed expenses. Technicians can set up or change any pay code on an individual device.

You can change this value only if UseExpense = True.


The default pay code that is displayed on the device for unbilled expenses. Technicians can set up or change any pay code on an individual device.

You can change this value only if UseExpense = True.

Inventory Settings


Determines whether the Inventory tab is displayed when an appointment is being completed. The default value is True.

If False, the remaining settings in this section are not available.


Determines whether non-inventory parts can be entered on the device. The default setting is True.

If you use non-inventory items as task materials and UseTaskMaterials = True, you should set this option to True.


The level of information that is required on the Inventory tab when an appointment is being completed. The default setting is OPTIONAL.

  • OPTIONAL – Technicians do not have to complete the information on the tab to complete the appointment.
  • WARNING – A message is displayed to indicate that information on the tab is not complete.
  • REQUIRED – Technicians must complete the information on the tab to complete the appointment.
ShowInventoryCostDetermines whether the Inventory Cost field is displayed on the tab. The default value is True.
ShowInventoryPriceDetermines whether the Inventory Price field is displayed on the tab. The default value is True.
ShowInventorySiteQtyAvailableDetermines whether Inventory Site Quantity based on the technician's sites in Technician Setup. The default value is False.Additional setup requires you to choose the Load Data tab, select your technicians, mark Sync Lookups, and then choose Import.The calculation used is Quantity on Hand - Quantity Allocated per item in Microsoft Dynamics GP - Quantity in the MobileTech Inventory holding table (WS20002).

Signature Settings

These settings apply only to service appointments.

The Signature tab displays if at least one Signature option is marked True.

UseTechnicianSignatureDetermines whether the Signature tab is displayed when an appointment is being completed. The default value is True.

The level of information that is required to capture the technician name and signature when completing an appointment. The default value is OPTIONAL.

  • OPTIONAL - A technician name and signature is not required to complete an appointment.
  • WARNING - A message is displayed to indicate that a technician name and signature has not been captured.
  • REQUIRED - A technician name and signature is required to complete an appointment.
UseCustomerSignatureDetermines whether the Signature tab is displayed when an appointment is being completed. The default value is True.

The level of information that is required to capture the customer name and signature when an appointment is being completed. The default value is OPTIONAL.

  • OPTIONAL - A customer name and signature is not required to complete an appointment.
  • WARNING - A message is displayed to indicate that a customer name signature has not been captured. 
  • REQUIRED - A customer name and signature is required to complete an appointment.

2SEE Settings

XOi (formerly XOEye) equips field technicians with wearable technology systems, or the free Vision Telepresence Client app for Android and iOS devices, that capture and share information. The technician can capture an image and/or video that is uploaded to the XOi server. After uploading in the client, the unique hyperlink is copied to the Resolution Note. After synchronizing, back office users can view the attachment to the service call. Anyone with the unique hyperlink can view and/or download the images or video. The activities on the XOi server are tagged with the call ID, appointment number, location name, and XOi user ID. The hyperlink is available for 30 days.


Determines if the XOi API is enabled. The default value is False.


Determines if XOi Workflow is enabled. The default value is False.

XOEyeClient ID

Defaults to MobileTech. Display only.


Defaults to the XOi login URL. Display only.


Defaults to the XOi Vision endpoint. Display only.

  • Enter your XOi Partner ID that has been provided to you from XOi.
  • No labels