Product Registration Keys Installation

Product Registration Keys Installation

Registering your product involves installing the Signature Product Registration Application, then enabling your registration keys.

If you already have the Signature Product Registration Application installed (prior to the 2016 release), you must uninstall before installing the latest version. Refer to the Readme to ensure compatibility of the registration application.

You only need to install and enable registration keys on your server machine(s). This process does NOT need to be performed on client machines.

Before you begin, locate the registration key text file that was provided with your software. This file contains your personal product registration information. You must browse to the location of this file in Step 2.

System Requirements

The Microsoft Dynamics GP requirements for the following products must be met on every server machine where the Signature Product Registration Application will be installed:

  • Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework

To find a complete list of system requirements across all the Signature modules, refer to System Requirements.

Installing the Registration Software

If you already have the Signature Product Registration Application installed (prior to the 2016 release), you must uninstall the current version before installing the current version. Refer to the Readme to ensure compatibility of the registration application.


  • If you are using Windows Server 2012 R2, you will need to install the Signature 2018 R5 Registration Application.
  • You only need to install and enable registration keys on your server machine(s). This process does NOT need to be performed on client machines.
  1. Launch the file Signature Registration xxxx.exe. On the Welcome screen, select Next >.
  2. Accept the terms of the license agreement, and select Next >.
  3. Accept the default installation location, or use the Browse... button to find the folder where you want the Product Registration application to be installed. Select Next >.
  4. When you are ready to begin the installation, select Install.
  5. When the installation is complete, select Finish.

Enabling Registration Keys

The first time you open the Signature Product Registration application, the Signature event log folder will be created on the server. To ensure that this folder is created successfully, this application must be run with administrator privileges the first time.

  1. Select Start > Signature > Signature.Registration.Entry. If you are opening this application for the first time, right-click and select Run as administrator. The Registration Key Entry window opens.
  2. Enter the User ID and Password for the "sa" user.
  3. Use the drop-down menu to select the SQL Server Instance and System Database where Signature is installed.
  4. Enter a Runtime Password for the registration user.
  5. Enter the Server Name, and use the drop-down menu to select the Virtual Directory where the WSRegistration Web service is located.

    You must use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the Signature Registration to function on a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and allow the use of HTTPS. This is compatible with TLS 1.2 Protocols. An example of an FQDN is server.domain.com. You will also need to complete the Additional Steps to Set up the Secure Sockets Layer steps below.

  6. Locate your registration key (.TXT) file that contains your registration information.
  7. Select Register. You receive a notification message when the registration key is validated. Select OK. When you log into Microsoft Dynamics GP, make sure to test all the Signature menus to make sure you have proper access. If, when you log in, your Signature menus are disabled, contact WennSoft Sales to obtain a new registration key file.

Additional Steps to Set up the Secure Sockets Layer

To allow for the Signature Registration to function on an SSL, in addition to entering the FQDN above when enabling the Registration Keys, you will also need to locate the RegistrationURLPrefix section and changing the value to https. You will also need to update the dex.ini file to include RegistrationUrlPrefix=https line.

Update the Signature.Registration.Entry.exe.config File

  1. Open the Signature.Registration.Entry.exe.config found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Signature\Signature Registration.
  2. Locate the RegistrationURLPrefix section and changing the value to https.
    <setting name="RegistrationUrlPrefix" serializeAs="String">

Update the DEX.INI File on Each Workstation

On each workstation, update the dex.ini file found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\Data to include the following line. You will need to do this on each workstation.


About Registration Key Tables

The Signature Product Registration Application creates two tables in the system database.

  • WSRegKey
    Created when the product is registered (using the Registration Key Setup application).
  • WSRegistrationSettings
    Created upon initial installation and contains the location of the WSRegistration web service.