Additional Information

Additional Information

You can make the following edits to the Dex.ini file found in the Data folder of your Microsoft Dynamics GP installation.

Enabling Add-on-the-fly Functionality to the Transfer to Job Process

If you need to enable the ability to add a job on the fly in the Transfer to Job window, you can do so by adding the following line to the Dex.ini file.


Update the Telephone Format for the Service Contact Management Window

If you need the telephone number to display in a format other than (XXX) XXX-XXXX in the Service Contact Management window, you can change the format by updating the PhoneFormatSetting line in the Dex.ini file. The format in the Dex.ini can use an “X” and/or “#” to represent a digit of the phone number.

You can edit the line to include the representation of up to 14 digits. Extra spaces before and after are trimmed but any additional spaces within the formatting will display. The SV01150 table holds the telephone number as digits only with no additional characters (1234567890). For example, for Australia, the format would be (##) ####-#### so that the number would display in the Service Contact Management window as (12) 3456-7890.

Any characters that are not "X" or "#" entered in the PhoneFormatSetting line will display in the telephone number.