

Table Name: SV00400

Other tables affected: SV00403, SV00055

Other stored procedures called: wsiSMSEquipmentPre, wsiSMSEquipmentPost, wsiSMSEquipmentContract
This procedure allows the insert/update of records into the equipment master table. The corresponding record in the equipment quick search table (SV00055) will also be created/updated. A contract number can be specified and the wsiSMSEquipmentContract procedure will be called to populate the equipment contract coverage table (SV00403) - if the equipment needs to be attached to multiple contracts then the wsiSMSEquipmentContract procedure can be called as a separate import.

Element NameData TypeLengthRequiredDefaultDescription

Validated - RM00102

Validated - RM00101

Validated as not empty







Validated - SV00410


Validated - SV00405

Validated - SV00411








Validated - SV00500 When provided wsiSMSEquipmentContract procedure will be called


















































































Validated - Cannot be 1 when open contract is specified


















0Must match record in SV40181 table


