Viewing Service Call Costs

Viewing Service Call Costs

The Service Invoice window displays unposted cost category totals as well as a total of all unposted costs. Additionally, you can zoom to view individual transactions for unposted costs, actual costs, and committed costs totals and further to view the transactions that make up the costs for each cost category.

If you are creating invoices using the Service Batch Invoicing window, and need to see the unposted costs, access the Service Invoice window but do not select an existing invoice. Instead from the Invoice Inquiry lookup window that displays, select Service Invoice.

Viewing Unposted and/or Committed Cost Transactions

Use the Costs inquiry window to display unposted costs, committed costs, or both unposted and committed costs, depending on what Display option you select.

You can access this window three ways from the Service Invoice window. The information displayed depends upon how you open the inquiry window. The view can be changed at any time.

  • Select the Unposted Cost button.
  • Select the Unposted Costs column header.
  • Select the Committed Costs column header.

Viewing Actual Cost Transactions

The Cost inquiry window displays the actual costs for all cost categories except Labor, or you can select specific cost categories to display.

You can access the Cost Inquiry window from the Service Invoice window by:

  • Choosing the Actual Costs header. The window defaults to display the total posted costs for equipment, materials, subcontractor, and other. - OR -
  • Choosing the Equipment, Materials, Subcontractor, or Other row header. The window defaults to display the actual cost for the selected category.

Regardless of the default display, you can change the view by choosing one or more categories to display as well as if you want to display all, committed, or posted costs.

To view Labor transaction details, select the Labor row header to display the Labor Costs inquiry window.