Locating Records

Locating Records

You can search for a customer and location record using the lookup window in any of the following fields: Customer ID, Customer Name, Location Address ID, Location Name, Address 1, ZIP Code/Postal Code, and Contract Number.

If you don't know the customer ID, you can enter a partial ID and then use the lookup window to search for a record. If you are using global filtering, the Customer ID window contains a drop-down list with the choices: User Profile, Global, and any branch names you have created. It defaults to the same setting as is specified for the global filter list in the Service Manager window.

If you are searching for a customer using the lookup in the Customer Name field and you receive a message that the customer does not belong to this branch, use the lookup in the Location Name field to search for the customer and location. This message displays if the customer's branch does not match the user profile branch.

When you type an entry in the Customer ID field if you do not have a branch selected in your user profile or in the Service Manager window, the primary location for that customer displays.

To perform a search in the Phone 1 field, you must enter the customer's exact phone number 1, phone number 2, or fax number and then either select the attached phone button or tab off the field. If the phone 2 or fax number is typed in the Phone 1 field, the corresponding customer and location record will display with the Phone 1 field displayed appropriately.

The Service Manager window has several informational display-only fields: Customer Status, Address 2, City, State, Contact 1, Contract Status, and Contract Type. Changes to these fields must be made in either the Customer, Location, or Maintenance Contract windows.

Using the Find Button

You can search for a service call, a customer record by equipment, or an invoice using the Find button in the Service Manager window, Service Call window, Dispatch Board, or Technician Board.

Finding a Service Call

  1. Enter the service call ID. The Find window defaults with the Service Call radio button selected in the Find Options field and the date portion of the service call ID already entered in the Find field.
  2. Select Find.

Finding a Customer by Equipment

  1. Select the Equipment radio button, and use the Find By drop-down list to select an equipment-related field.
  2. Enter the equipment information in the Find field. You can enter the first characters of the field if you can't recall the complete equipment information.
  3. Select Find. A lookup window opens with the record that most closely matches the value entered.
  4. Select the Select button to display the customer record in the Service Manager window.

Finding an Invoice or Credit Memo

  1. Select the Invoice radio button.
  2. Enter the invoice or credit memo number in the Find field.
  3. Select Find. If you enter a service invoice number, the Service Invoice window or Posted Service Invoice window opens where you can view the billing information. If you enter a maintenance invoice number, the Maintenance Contract window opens. You can select the Billing button in the Maintenance Contract window to open the Billing Schedule window where you can view the billing information.