Signature.ReportControl.dll Programmers Reference
Signature.ReportControl.dll Programmers Reference
- Previews / Prints a SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Report.
- Any report parameter that is not supplied by the calling procedure will prompt for user input.
- Only uses parameters that are associated with the specific report, reducing the possibility of an error when too many parameters have been supplied.
- Each Preview method has a Print method that mirrors the parameters but prompts the user with a Print Dialog window instead of previewing the report.
- Replacement report information is stored in a database table for easy access.
- Local SSRS Reports evaluate the Query section to fill the report.
- Net Framework 2.0
- An ODBC System DSN pointing to the database server.
- To use the replacement report database table, local SSRS Reports, one of two things must be setup on the database server: Existence of the WSMiscUser and/or WSEMSUser account with corresponding password. - OR - Windows Authentication setup for each user of the database server.
- To use Remote SSRS Reports: Windows Authentication must be used for each user on the database server.
- To use with Local SSRS Sub-reports: The extension of the Local SSRS Subreport filename must be ".rdlc."
- To use with a Dexterity product, the DLL must be registered as a COM object. Use RegAsm.exe, which is included with the .Net Framework. RegAsm.exe can be found in the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 folder. Syntax: RegAsm.exe Signature.ReportControl.dll /tlb:Signature.ReportControl.tlb
Default constructor.
public Reporting();