BOB 1.50 - 08/18/21
Building Optimization Broker version 1.50 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.
This version was formally released on 8/18/2021.
New Features
Font size was increased within the Sensor Configuration grid & Equipment and System Score graph. (K2AINT-1098, K2AINT-1111)
When sorting data within the Configured Sensor graph, the data is now sorting within each sensor grouping. (K2AINT-1126)
Bug Fixes
We've fixed the Sensor Graph with the following (K2AINT-1015):
To only display Boolean data if selected.
Zooming within the graph.
Current data is displayed at all times if selected.
We've fixed an error received when sorting or filtering within the Energy dashboard. (K2AINT-956)
To view the release notes online, go to