Modifying a K2A Rule

Modifying a K2A Rule

If a K2A Rule is used in a modified fashion, when a K2A Rule is updated by WennSoft, the rule will not be modified to prevent any user customizations from being overwritten.

Step One: Select the Base K2A Rule

  1. From the Mega Navigation, select Rules.

  2. Select Actions > Add Rule.

  3. In the Create Rule section, select the Base Rule drop-down and select the rule.  You can click in the Base Rule field and enter text to search for a rule. 

  4. Toggle Customize to On

  5. Edit the Rule Name as needed.

  6. In the Create Rule section, select Save. (The section name changes from Add K2A Rule to Create Rule once Customize is toggled on.) A Rule can be enabled in the Create Rule section, Edit Custom Rule section, and from the Rule Builder dashboard.