Sign up

Sign up

  1. Access the ESMS url: myaccount.key2act.io.
  2. Choose Sign up here.
  3. Enter the following required information:
    • EMAIL: Enter the same email that you initially used.
    • COUNTRY CODE/PHONE: Select the Country Code icon, choose your country, and then enter your phone number.
    • PASSWORD: The password requirements are at least:
      • 8 characters
      • 1 number
      • 1 special character
      • 1 uppercase character
      • 1 lowercase character
  4. Choose SIGN UP.
  5. After creating your account, a manual review including verifying the SaaS agreement and contacting your CSM will be performed by WennSoft.
  6. Once approved, you will receive an email that the account is active.
  7. When the Account Confirmation email arrives, choose LOGIN in the email.
  8. Log into your ESMS account. See Logging in for more information.