Time Log Settings

Time Log Settings

UseTimeLogDetermines whether technicians can clock in and out from the client device and have billable labor hours calculated automatically by the system. Unbillable hours for technicians also are calculated by the system. Users also can see which appointments they are timed in to, and the Time In and Time Out values are displayed in the Appointment Summary Preview and Job Summary Preview panes and on the Call Summary and Appointment Summary reports. The default value is False. If False, the next four settings are not available.

Determines whether the Time In and Time Out fields on the client device are locked. The default value is True.If True, hours go directly to appointment history. If False, technicians can manually adjust the time.You can change this value only if UseTimeLog = True.


Determines whether the Labor Time field on the client device is locked. The default value is True.If False, technicians can manually adjust the labor hours that are calculated based on their time in and time out.You can change this value only if UseTimeLog = True.


Determines whether technicians can time in to multiple appointments at the same time. The default value is False, so time-in and time-out entries cannot overlap.You can change this value only if UseTimeLog = True

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of MobileTech, this setting may have been set to True and could not be changed. If so, the setting remains set to True after the upgrade, but you can change the value.


The interval (in minutes) that labor time is rounded to when technicians time in and out. The default value is 15, which means the technician's labor hours are rounded to the nearest 15 minutes. Enter a value of 1-60 minutes. You can change this value only if UseTimeLog = True.

If you enter 0, this may cause the calculations to not work as expected.


Choose the appointment status to default for appointments when the technicians time in. If the status is manually updated in the appointment to the specified status, the technician will be automatically timed in. The default value is empty (disabled). 

TimeLogStatusUpdate and AutoStatusUpdate in Mobile Device Global Settings  cannot have the same value.