Viewing Reports

Viewing Reports

Daily Schedule Board

This report displays a PDF copy of what is shown on the schedule board.

  1. To view this report, select the Adobe icon to the left of the TODAY button.
  2. In the Save As window, navigate to the location to save the PDF file and select Save.

Resource Schedule

The Resource Schedule report can be printed for a specific resource or you can print this for multiple technicians.

  1. Right-click on a resource name from the schedule board.
  2. Select Print Resource Schedule and then select Schedule_Resource_Report_1.
  3. A new tab is opened in your browser displaying the resource's schedule for the day.
  4. If you want to see a range of dates, you can edit the Start/End Dates at the top of the report.
  5. You can also select more than one technician from the Technician drop-down.
  6. Select View Report.

Using the Resource Report Wizard

You can also print the Schedule Resource Report by using the report wizard.

  1. Right-click on a resource name from the schedule board.
  2. Select Print Resource Schedule and then select Report Wizard.
  3. In the Resource Schedule Report window, the Start/End Dates default to today's date. You can edit these fields to display a range of dates.
  4. Select the Run For drop-down and select an option for who you want to run the report for: All, Technician, Technician Team, Service Area, or Branch.
  5. Depending upon your selection, select one or more technicians, a team, a service area, or a branch.
  6. Select Run Report.