Viewing Reports
Viewing Reports
Daily Schedule Board
This report displays a PDF copy of what is shown on the schedule board.
- To view this report, select the Adobe icon to the left of the TODAY button.
- In the Save As window, navigate to the location to save the PDF file and select Save.
Resource Schedule
The Resource Schedule report can be printed for a specific resource or you can print this for multiple technicians.
- Right-click on a resource name from the schedule board.
- Select Print Resource Schedule and then select Schedule_Resource_Report_1.
- A new tab is opened in your browser displaying the resource's schedule for the day.
- If you want to see a range of dates, you can edit the Start/End Dates at the top of the report.
- You can also select more than one technician from the Technician drop-down.
- Select View Report.
Using the Resource Report Wizard
You can also print the Schedule Resource Report by using the report wizard.
- Right-click on a resource name from the schedule board.
- Select Print Resource Schedule and then select Report Wizard.
- In the Resource Schedule Report window, the Start/End Dates default to today's date. You can edit these fields to display a range of dates.
- Select the Run For drop-down and select an option for who you want to run the report for: All, Technician, Technician Team, Service Area, or Branch.
- Depending upon your selection, select one or more technicians, a team, a service area, or a branch.
- Select Run Report.